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What are you goys doing???

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jun 23 2016 1:58 PM (25 replies)
  • Crosshair22
    31 Posts
    Fri, Jun 3 2016 11:55 AM

    Seems like it's the same old story, and it's getting really old by now. I have been here since 2008, but didn't play through all those years, because of all the bugs this game had. Well since I have been back playing again, "NOTHING HAS CHANGED"   WHY????. More sponsor's and money dumped into the game but no direct improvements to make this game more playable. So the question is why? System was down for 5 or6 hours the other day but not sure what was done. Maintenance, or improvements maybe. Maybe not. If you continue on this path this game will go down just like all the others. I for one will be sad if that happens. Please, someone do something, anything, to improve on a very good golf game. The concept is good but the game is very flawed. 

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Fri, Jun 3 2016 12:43 PM


    Seems like it's the same old story, and it's getting really old by now. I have been here since 2008, but didn't play through all those years, because of all the bugs this game had. Well since I have been back playing again, "NOTHING HAS CHANGED"   WHY????. More sponsor's and money dumped into the game but no direct improvements to make this game more playable. So the question is why? System was down for 5 or6 hours the other day but not sure what was done. Maintenance, or improvements maybe. Maybe not. If you continue on this path this game will go down just like all the others. I for one will be sad if that happens. Please, someone do something, anything, to improve on a very good golf game. The concept is good but the game is very flawed. 

    Yes you have been a member since 2008 but you still play in spite of all of the bugs and the flaws in the game . 8 years later and the game is still here and you just cant seem to stay away . If you paid any attention to the thread titled Release then you would know that there was a down time the other night .

    If you feel that you can do a better job of running WGT then why not apply for a position since things arent being done to your approval . I dont know if anyone ever told you this but you dont have to play this game . You are always free to come or go anytime you want to . Most of us in fact the majority of us wont miss you if you leave and never return .

    You have the right to file a complaint about game issues and yes even to vent as well . But dont expect too many players to get onboard with you when doing so . So bottom line is , is the fact that in spite of the bugs or issues with the game you can still play well and have fun .


  • Crosshair22
    31 Posts
    Fri, Jun 3 2016 1:55 PM

    My request was not to you. So why stick your two cents in? It's an observation and a request to staff to improve what is here. We pay for the privilege to be disconnected and subjected to delays while playing. Do you think that is good for this game? Why have to pay for that? Sure I can choose not to play, but I love the game of golf, just not all the frustration that comes with this game. So sorry for venting, but it's my right to do so.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Fri, Jun 3 2016 2:13 PM


    "My request was not to you. So why stick your two cents in?"

    C'mon've been on this site a long time and you know the drill. This is a public forum. Once anyone posts in here, they should expect comments. People may not agree with you, or even be right...but they have a right to say it (as long as it is within wgt guidelines). 

    You were expecting maybe WGT to respond with helpful information?

    There is a contact services button at bottom of the page. If you desire no comments, you can try that...usually crickets...other than perhaps what has already been stated publically by the Mods.



  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Fri, Jun 3 2016 5:43 PM

    but I love the game of golf, just not all the frustration that comes with this game


    And the real game is never frustrating;)

  • borntobesting
    9,756 Posts
    Fri, Jun 3 2016 6:44 PM



    but I love the game of golf, just not all the frustration that comes with this game


    And the real game is never frustrating;)

    Mike, he is probably a gamer. He probably has never had a club in his hands unless it was a putter in miniature golf.

  • Crosshair22
    31 Posts
    Fri, Jun 3 2016 8:37 PM

    If you would really look at what I wrote you would see that I said "this game" not real golf. I do play real golf though, and my frustration is with my play, not  the course. Also not a gamer. This golf sim and others are the only games I play.

  • tjune2016
    588 Posts
    Sat, Jun 4 2016 5:25 AM

    Crosshair22 is only telling the truth. Wgt is making no effort to stop all the disconnects and so on. When we complain they say it is our fault or we are working on it.. I say bull you are.  You do not care one bit as long as people keep spending money. do you work for WGT??   You probaly  do so u have to side with them.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sat, Jun 4 2016 7:45 AM


    Crosshair22 is only telling the truth. Wgt is making no effort to stop all the disconnects and so on. When we complain they say it is our fault or we are working on it.. I say bull you are.  You do not care one bit as long as people keep spending money. do you work for WGT??   You probably do so u have to side with them.

    Ok, so you have supposedly been on here a couple of months. Crosshair has been on this site for over 7 years. All that was said (at least by me) is that he should know the drill by now. 

    Posting in the Public forum will elicit comments. Send it privately, and risk getting no response at all...aside from "we are working on it", or "submit a bug report", etc.

    Nobody works for WGT...we are paying our money and live with the same frustrations. Options ultimately boil down to staying or leaving. 

    Respectfully request you point your finger elsewhere. Childish accusations hurt your credibility, especially as a CC owner.  If you are going to broad brush...then back it up, or don't post it.


  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Sat, Jun 4 2016 9:12 AM


    Crosshair22 is only telling the truth. Wgt is making no effort to stop all the disconnects and so on. When we complain they say it is our fault or we are working on it.. I say bull you are.  You do not care one bit as long as people keep spending money. do you work for WGT??   You probaly  do so u have to side with them.

    Well I dont work for WGT and really have no stake in taking up for them . For the most part I feel that this game should have a better maintenance program than it does . Does it have issues of course it does . Some issues are well over a year old and should have been fixed a long time ago .

    But no matter the bugs or issues I have still been able to reach Champion L101 and it wasnt from the baby tees either . In spite of the issues I still play and have fun and enjoy the game. So there are work arounds to handle some issues with the game and there are players here who are very willing to help . There are already many threads to advise on how to get the most or best results out of your pc to play this game .

    I have never spent any money to play the game as I milk the free credits offered . So ask for help if you need too and go ahead and vent as well . We all have frustrating moments and we all also understand because we have been there and done that . Now if you will excuse me I have to go and wash my mouth out as this thread has left a bad taste in my mouth .