Crosshair22: I said "this game" not real golf. I do play real golf though, and my frustration is with my play, not the course.
This is exactly what makes this game real. You could read that part of your statement and wonder "is he talking about the real game or this game?"
The reason someone thought you might be a gamer is because of your expectations here. You can't add 2 + 2 and expect 4 to be the answer, there's too many variables involved. Expecting 4 and not getting it leads to the frustration.
The absolute best thing you can do for your particular game is to take your earned IRL golf smarts and apply them here. Play this game the same way you would IRL. I suspect you probably know just how to hit your real irons and what to expect (bit of honesty required here.) Can you say that about your virtual clubs? If you can, you're in a good place and just need to golf smarter. If you can't, learn.
That's where the satisfaction comes from-knowing your game and executing it. This game replicates RL golf with programmed deviations from perfect-some in the equipment, some in the game. It doesn't kill the game, it just makes it quite realistic because you see the same thing here you see IRL, frustration included. :-)