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Looking for New Members

Tue, Dec 20 2016 6:23 PM (147 replies)
  • BabeLincoln
    3,080 Posts
    Tue, Oct 25 2016 12:48 AM

    Paul, I for one appreciate your respectful comments like the one above.  But I also agree with Nancy that there were other better ways of communicating with this inquiry (like posting on his wall, or "friending" him and writing him a personal message, etc), instead of infiltrating this thread with something that has nothing to do with "Guys and Dolls CC" but instead you recruiting him for yours.

    The suggestion on this thread to "Start a new CC thread" is certainly not necessary, and would cause someone much work to reiterate what has already been communicated (even with copying and pasting).  I think you can understand that.

    No bad feelings from any of us, but "Just Sayin'".....

    xoxoxo, Rachel

  • coolness1
    1,219 Posts
    Fri, Oct 28 2016 2:31 PM

    So here is another example of our CC being unique.....

    One of our members is currently putting up $50 of his own money to award  two members $25 each in prizes in a tournament.  They don't have to win....the gifts are given using an online randomizer, so all someone has to do to have this chance (2 out of 23)  to win is post a score!

    How many CC's on here have stuff like that happening regularly???


  • BabeLincoln
    3,080 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2016 1:42 AM

    All of the posts on this thread where someone asks something like, "How often do other CC's have stuff like this happening regularly".......for any of you readers, do you not find it interesting that others from the outside don't respond that this happens regularly in their CC?

    We didn't get 100% participation in our last CC tournament.  We did have all but one member posting a score.  How often does that happen in other country clubs?

    And we have another $50 in prizes (given to random participants, so it doesn't matter where you place in the tournament) again in November.  How often does that happen in other country clubs?  It happens regularly at Guys and Dolls.

    Again, don't bother sending a CC request unless you are at least at the Legend tier.   We do have some "Legends Only" tournaments (one of them each month that gives a sleeve of balls to the winner), but unless you are a seasoned player, you won't be able to compete....and it's been our experience that none of the lower tier players stick as a result.  So we stopped accepting anyone lower than the Legend tier.  In fact, we did pick up three Champion tier players recently, but none of them stayed very long (and it's because they found it difficult to even finish in the top 10 in our tournaments), and they have all left for less competitive clubs where they are one of the top players now.

    We are a tight-knit group of people with more CC participation and generous gifts than any CC I am aware of on WGT.  If you desire that, and also want to improve your game by learning from some great players. maybe you should check us out.



  • BabeLincoln
    3,080 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2016 2:58 PM

    I just wrote a long reply here and it didn't go through.  This will be much shorter.

    You call my post "juvenile", and it is your perogative to think so.  I personally think your comments on here and other places on WGT are much less than juvenile, Paul.

    Our CC is small, and that's on purpose.  The only reason that this thread is on here is to let people know this is a special and unique CC.   It seems like we do pick up one or two members each year who are special, and really become part of our family.  Most do not stick and the most recent additions did not stay due to the fact that they expected to be able to compete to win tournaments and they did not.

    Our CC gives away purses in things like our CC Championship worth hundreds of dollars.  One member gives away well over $500 a year in random gifts (so it gives everyone an equal chance to win).  Prizes are given for other tournaments, for our monthly Member of the Month award, and many other things.   One member once gave away $400 for one tournament.   If you say "so many" put out much higher purses than we do, please enlighten me, Paul.  And for an equal comparison, take the amount of prizes given and divide it by the number of members.

    I am happy if there are CC's who get equal or better participation than ours.  You said there were "many" Paul.  Can you give me just a few names of those clubs over 20 people that get 100% participation (or even 95%) in a CC tournament every month....and close to that in so many others?  I would love to know of just a few who might compare to the participation we have.  Certainly your club does not....

    Don't make statements like that, Paul, unless you can back it up.  And you can call me "juvenile" or "boring", but don't ever call me a liar.


  • davepttrsn
    2,045 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2016 7:08 PM

    If you are looking to offend someone here on WGT, Paul, you picked the wrong person.  Rachel is WAY out of your league in every way.

    And I have personally given away several thousand dollars away in our club in the past five years.  I would also like to know of other CC's on here that have our kind of giveaways related to the small number of members.  If there are so many (as you claim), please name one.


  • Eller86
    96 Posts
    Thu, Nov 3 2016 12:21 AM

    I totally agree with Rachel and Dave.  And yes, Paul, please enlighten us!


  • coolness1
    1,219 Posts
    Thu, Nov 3 2016 7:49 PM

    I had a pretty good laugh after reading Paul's post (now deleted) and the responses that followed.

    One of the reasons that it struck me so funny was that I immediately recalled the scene from the movie "A Few Good Men", when Jack Nicholson screamed at Tom Cruise, "You messed with the wrong !@#$% Marine!"    :)