absolutely, imho, simply offer yourself to do anything he might want to do
being in the professional tier he most likely has everything he could want but time.
time is everyone's enemy. look at how fast our time goes by,blink of an eye really.
your dad, being one myself, and not having that option, would love to again imo
spend it one on one, doing anything,doesn't need to cost a dime, memories created will mean sooooo much more than anything he or you besides the pictures of your day
can ever be appreciated more.you've got the opportunity to create a day you both will remember for years, a tear came to my eyes writing this for you and although up til a couple days ago we never met. i wish it had been years ago.you are as thoughtful a person as anyone could ever want as friend.
you know your dad as well a person could ever know, give it some thought,
fishing,go for a hike, go to the ocean,sit in the sand, talk, reminisce, laugh cry,
hug often, it's free and feels good,but don't forget to tell him how much you love him.
god, hope this helps stef, my freaking eyes can't see anymore.
your friend carl