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Sun, Apr 10 2011 11:36 AM (67 replies)
  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Fri, Mar 11 2011 2:50 AM

    Just give us a practice range where we can hit different clubs repetitively. to get better. chipping, lobbing, putting and so on.

    It's a no-brainer, it's been mentioned over and over again. Seems like it would be no skin off of WGT's behind.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, Mar 11 2011 7:05 AM

    hmm....if it got to the stage folks got so good or even better at hitting the balls...then surely less balls would be hit into water, weeds, out of bounds etc  and thus the WGT cash intake would suffer.....

    ain't that the reason it's been mentioned relentlessly and nothing gets done about it.


    just sayin'



  • puttersman
    240 Posts
    Fri, Mar 11 2011 7:38 AM

    I believe you may have hit the nail on the head my friend. nuff said. because I have never seen a reply from  Wgticon

  • G0LD
    358 Posts
    Sun, Apr 10 2011 11:20 AM


    One important fact that I would like to bring into focus is that sub 30 and sub 60 players constitute a minority, and so we should be careful not to infer from their exceptional results that the game in general has become boringly easy.  For any player, there are multiple ways of increasing the difficulty of the game, if a greater challenge is what he or she fancies.  Take me for example.  I am currently playing with the 280 yards R9 driver, combined with the i15 clubs, and even with the legend Callaway z balls, which I love, believe me when I say that I experience plenty of realism.  My latest scores testify to that, as they are on par with regular PGA scores.  Mind you, I’m not that good, and my reflexes are not that great, but I did make it to the legend tier, which implies that I am not that bad either.


    Still, a number of players have posted some good ideas, but again let us forbear from taking isolated examples to draw general conclusions.


    Incidentally, while initially making all clubs available to anyone that has accumulated enough points seemed to me questionable, I now recognize that at any tier, if a player starts scoring better, thanks to better equipment, he or she will soon enough be bumped up to the upper tier, and be pushed back to further tees, from which the game is more of a challenge.  Therefore, I contend that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with the system as it is, though there is no doubt in my mind that it can be improved.  I personally love this game to distraction, and hope that WGT will stay the course of cautious receptiveness to players’ inputs, to avoid the implementation of so-called improvements that would be viewed by many as the total opposite.


  • edII
    31 Posts
    Sun, Apr 10 2011 11:35 AM

    I totally agree, Chris!! I Shoot almost like you inRG's, still haven't won yet, One 2nd place, but usually in top 25. Anyone with alevel 70 or above should not be considered an amateur, way to many rounds or a terrible golfer. But a terrible golfer wouldn't be shooting 27 or 28 on STA!!! Can't believe people sandbag just for credits and you would think WGT would really be upset because in the end they are the ones getting ripped off!! Just venting. Hit it straight and long! Ed II

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Sun, Apr 10 2011 11:36 AM

    Ohh hell no! they sucked! Now, if you want to create a class above legend, like lets say world legend, tour legend that I could understand.They would have the championship green speeds. Maybe there are some that should  be in a newer class who have already mastered the legend tier but do not punish others who are not that good yet.