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Sun, Apr 10 2011 11:36 AM (67 replies)
  • wildcat18racing6
    420 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2011 6:42 AM

    got off topic and should have put this in another post

  • ladyluck87
    2,287 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2011 6:51 AM

    a legend is a legend and a tourmaster is a is a hack an amatuer or pros

    the point is....why do legends have to play alot to get more experience points ...they should be able to have the same range of clubs as any other legends as  long as they become  a  just doeasnt make sense why ..there is this getting the same equiptments ...when ure teeing of from the same tees...

    tourmasters and pros or amatuer  should not be having an advantage either by having the same clubs...they should have the level of clubs comparable with the tees that they play this way a level playing field is fairer and ....more exceptable to many..

    snacks and boosters should not be created in the first place to make more money for fact wgt should be looking for other ways like credit penalty  for shooting out of bound (just an  example)...etc etc...

    the difference at the end of the day is...skill and concentration.......that is the most important..isnt it..

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2011 11:02 AM


    the point is....why do legends have to play alot to get more experience points ...they should be able to have the same range of clubs as any other legends as  long as they become  a  just doeasnt make sense why ..there is this getting the same equiptments ...when ure teeing of from the same tees...

    tourmasters and pros or amatuer  should not be having an advantage either by having the same clubs...they should have the level of clubs comparable with the tees that they play this way a level playing field is fairer and ....more exceptable to many..

    This is how it used to be in september before WGT introduced the new tier system, all clubs were unlocked for that particular level, and i don't know if most people prefered that way of doing things.  Legend and tour master tiers are a great addition but might it have been best to keep the equipment locked untill you reach that tier, i.e 247 yard rapture unlocked once you reach pro, 270 driver for master, 278 Driver for Tour master & 280/282 driver for legends.

    I've got used to the new system, but a lot of people also preffered the old system of keeping equipment locked untill your tier qualifies you to use them. 

    But so many people rushed out and upgraded when WGT had a sale on or have now reached a high level, and its probably too much effort to go back to how it used to be.  People would complain if you took their drivers off them (but refunded them with full credits) and told to downgrade to one that matches their tier.


  • BacardiAndCoke
    449 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2011 11:36 AM


    a legend is a legend and a tourmaster is a is a hack an amatuer or pros

    the point is....why do legends have to play alot to get more experience points ...they should be able to have the same range of clubs as any other legends as  long as they become  a  just doeasnt make sense why ..there is this getting the same equiptments ...when ure teeing of from the same tees...

    tourmasters and pros or amatuer  should not be having an advantage either by having the same clubs...they should have the level of clubs comparable with the tees that they play this way a level playing field is fairer and ....more exceptable to many..

    snacks and boosters should not be created in the first place to make more money for fact wgt should be looking for other ways like credit penalty  for shooting out of bound (just an  example)...etc etc...

    the difference at the end of the day is...skill and concentration.......that is the most important..isnt it..

    LL i totally agree with most of what your saying, as i had the same problem when i was a master and i was playing with tour amsters and masters and they were itting there drives 25yards further than mine cause i wasnt a high enough level to be able to have there clubs ;-)

    But penaltys for OOB i cant agree with dont you think they punsih us enough for meter glitchs by losing are callaways let alone a credit fee on top


  • BacardiAndCoke
    449 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2011 11:55 AM

    I have been very luck and have had the pleasure of playing with some of the best players about and I personally think these are the many issues here 
    The clubs that are avaliable shoud be tiered and not leveled as alot of players on this game have the wrong clubs for there tiers and if your a tour pro with g10's for example you can drive to many of the par 4's, if not there mostly all drive and a wedge and thats just like paying darts with the new balls.
    I'm not the best player in the world by a long way but i know case St A F9 is so short off master tiers i feel i should shot around the 30 mark but round Oakmont because the course is much longer and greens more tricky im always happy to break par ;-) this being said i feel that Oakmont is a much better course to play on because it is much longer and makes much more of a challenge,

    I feel personally that something should be done as the current conditions round St A & Kia aren't relaistic for example the 1st on Kia is a great biride chance as ur hitting wedge into green yet 4th i struggle to make a birdie cause im hitting a 4I in

    so my opinion is that the winds in this game should be dropped to a more realsistic level with the heavist being around 15mph, but i would move the tees back on all levels on the par 4's so that your hitting more long irons into greens rather than wedges with
    example St A 1 now master tier around 360 new 460Master 475 Legends u wouldnt get so many birdies then as you wouldnt be able to land within 10ft all the time

    Just my thoughts


    P.s maybe even add an elite tier that is even further back for Legends that currently avg under 63 and push there par 4's to around 490

  • TarheelsRule
    5,551 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2011 12:32 PM

    I agree with some of what Jessica said.  I do take exception to some par 4's that you hit a wedge into versus some that you hit a long iron into.  That is just an example of a normal golf course, some reward shots on short par 4's and some difficult ones.  You don't want to have all 10 par four holes being 455 yards, variety makes the course fun.

    The biggest issue that she addresses is the ability of lower level players in terms of tiers having the same clubs available to them as higher tier players.  I play with all levels of players, if I get a game with 3 masters who have the same equipment that I have and averages that are almost identical to mine, they have a huge advantage, in the cases of some holes almost 100 yards, while they can bomb out a 285 yard tee shot just like me.  I realize that as in real golf you can buy whatever you want if you have the money but in this case we aren't on the same tees.

    I don't have that much of an issue with winds on St Andrews but you don't get that heavy of a wind on Oakmont or BPB, even at Kiawah you rarely see winds more than 15 mph and those courses aren't meant to play into that heavy winds, at St Andrews the wind is most of the protection for the course, Oakmont doesn't need any protection.

  • Splicer67
    18 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2011 12:53 PM

    "Oakmont doesn't need any protection"  you said a mouthful all righty:)for sure.

  • ryan4spurs
    828 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2011 2:13 PM

    Champ greens are good to play on in tourneys, but if they are released back into play, champ and tourneys should be made available in practice mode too.

  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2011 2:36 PM

    When I first finished playing Oakmont I felt as if I should have had protection.

  • seanobrien
    296 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2011 2:37 PM

    It's all about the money guys.

    And anyway you are only coming up against lower tier players with the same or better equipment in Ready Gos or challenge matches. Weekly and monthly tournaments are tier base and CTTH are from the same position for everyone. And as far as I remember US open is from the championship tees for everyone (when will this years one be available?)

    So if you dont play Ready Gos this isn't an issue.