Whatta RIP-OFF! You got SCAHHHH-ROOOOOOOD!!!!!! Totally WGT's fault, NOT yours!
(nevermind the fact that the ball will remain in bounds right up to the instant YOU do something to alter that, causing the aforementioned ball to surpass the CLEARLY-marked boundaries of the game)
Just had the same experience myself.
Ball was 3.4ft away from cup. Made sure I had the right meter up, always do as WGT likes to put up the wrong one. Putted for 4ft, the ball slammed into the cup, turned left, and went 11yds away into the rough.
this is what happens to me and one of the other players said it was my mouse ,ive tried lining up with the marks its close but like you my ball hits perfect does a snowcone effect and it flys away from the cup i do not understand its driving me nuts i dont even care about my score it does not get better i might make 2 birdies or pars its either par or double bogey