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New TM - Green Speeds Issue

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Wed, Apr 6 2011 7:22 AM (27 replies)
  • Steelers75
    239 Posts
    Thu, Mar 17 2011 10:17 AM


    You guys are trying to make me sound like an idiot when all have done is express my own personal experiance and why should I change my opinions on something just to please others? I would actually love to come on here and admit I am wrong but I just can't. I honestly haven't changed the way I putt in the slightest and im holing exactly the same putts as I was as a TM im having the same ammount of putts as when i was a TM and you would think if the greens were so much different and I hadn't changed a thing at all I would be struggling as a legend but im not at all. Well this is my opinion and im sticking to it unless I can be proved not told otherwise.

    I am allowed to have an opinion aren't I?

    Not trying to make you sound like an idiot in any way, form, or fashion.  Although it's understood how/why you feel that way.  Yes, you're allowed to have an opinion and express such.  Debates such as this make the game better in the end; my opinion.

    From personal experience I can tell you that it took a week or so after making Legend for the change in characteristics to take place.  I contribute that to the number of ranked rounds I played during that time.  In Ready-Go's there was no change in green speed other than the preset course conditions.  This indicates that Ready-Go's with tournament-speed greens will not reflect any change in characteristics for you i.e. TM's and Legends have the same tournament settings for green speeds in Ready-Go's allegedly.

    To determine if there was an actual change or not I played practice rounds using various settings.  The green speeds were in fact different, and faster for Legend settings.  Granted, some may not notice it as much as others.  I noticed because several of the same putts I had made countless times before were breaking more and going further than I was used too.  I had to adapt my putting formula and over correct for breaks in order to shoot low scores as I did as a TM.

    A friend of mine and I did a "Race to Legend" together.  He too noticed the change in green speed.  In the end however, it's the perception of the player and not necessarily the perception of the entire body of players at the Legend Tier.  You are in the minority here and there is nothing wrong with that.  Keep in mind that a large majority of Legends will disagree with you due to experiences of their own.  A common themed experience lends to the truth in the matter.

  • Steelers75
    239 Posts
    Thu, Mar 17 2011 10:23 AM


    I WILL be a Legend in April.  

    Duly noted in BIG Sharpie on my bulletin board!!!  Look me up when you make it.  It'll be nice to show you a thing or two for a change. LOL

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Mar 17 2011 11:28 AM

    Duly noted in BIG Sharpie on my bulletin board!!!  Look me up when you make it.  It'll be nice to show you a thing or two for a change

    LMAO. You're first, honey.  :-D

  • Steelers75
    239 Posts
    Thu, Mar 17 2011 11:46 AM


    Duly noted in BIG Sharpie on my bulletin board!!!  Look me up when you make it.  It'll be nice to show you a thing or two for a change

    LMAO. You're first, honey.  :-D

    Ah Baby Doll, you're so sweet when least expected. :-P

  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Thu, Mar 17 2011 12:04 PM

    Purely idiotic that they have two different green speeds named the same thing

    Sorry Jake, agreed w/you until I saw this post from Niv, which should clear this issue as being a conspiracy or theory.

    Here are the general guidelines we have given the greens keeper for regular play (actual green performance may vary):  very interesting!!!!!!!!

    Tier          Green Speed Stimpmeter

    Hack               7.9

    Amateur         7.9

    Pro                  9.0

    Tour Pro         10.0

    Master            10.0

    Tour Master    11.0

    Legend            12.0

    As a TM (grrrr) I do notice a difference in GS in games (MP/AS) when a Legend initiates the game. ie 12.0 vs 11.0. In all tier Rg's vs a specific tiered, it can be a bit deceiving from one green to the next or course to course that is being played. But that has been stated, so it shouldn't be a surprise or even deceptive. IMHO

    In real golf, does every green have the "exact" speed? (only if every green is flat with no undulations) Of course not. In this "virtual" game it would have been easier for the programmers to initiate the exact green speed for whichever course or game chosen.

    sidenote; I think Jake, Bollie, Price, Aaron and a couple others who are dominating the Rg's should not be given GS indicator before your round.....hehe 




  • BernardDarwin
    35 Posts
    Tue, Apr 5 2011 6:48 PM

    As a mere Master and a fairly new one at that, I can't comment on the green speed issue but I can provide some completely irrelevant information on green speeds and specifically those at Oakmont that might be of interest. The Stimpmeter was invented by a guy named Ed Stimpson after witnessing play in the 1935 US Open at Oakmont.during which Gene Sarazen putted right off the green into a bunker. Sam Snead is said to have remarked that he put a dime down to mark his ball at Oakmont and the dime slid away. It is the only club the USGA asked to slow down its greens for the US Open. And, in a delightful twist of irony, I have it on good authority that there aren't enough flat spots on the greens at Oakmont to be able to use the Stimpmeter!

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Apr 6 2011 4:39 AM

    Just give up on your argument and do yourself a favour and come back and have your say on this when your a Legend and then maybe your argument might have some meaning because right now it just seems stupid because your not even a Legend

    Nothing changed, it's just as I said.  :-)

  • Steelers75
    239 Posts
    Wed, Apr 6 2011 7:22 AM


    Just give up on your argument and do yourself a favour and come back and have your say on this when your a Legend and then maybe your argument might have some meaning because right now it just seems stupid because your not even a Legend

    Nothing changed, it's just as I said.  :-)
