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Clock Talkers

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Sat, Sep 24 2016 10:24 PM (23 replies)
  • Vangaurd2
    46 Posts
    Mon, Sep 5 2016 6:42 PM

    Isn't it basically considered to be disrespectful to type/talk during ones own shot clock? And for those that do it, should they be reminded that it wastes everybody's time and if to do it respectfully?  



  • darktone
    151 Posts
    Wed, Sep 7 2016 7:21 AM

    Just don't respond- I think you can disable the chat also. I have had a few people get nasty I just ignore their messages and beat them.

  • DrussTheLegend
    1,043 Posts
    Wed, Sep 7 2016 5:05 PM

    Just don't respond- I think you can disable the chat also.

    OP was actually talking about those that are typing away in chat when it is their turn to hit - thus wasting everyone else's time when they should be calculating/setting up their shot and hitting.  

    My call is that you cannot really stop a blabber mouth - bit like trying to get a teenager to stop looking at his phone all day........

  • K7JBQ
    1,469 Posts
    Wed, Sep 7 2016 6:13 PM

    If another player asks a question, and I can answer quickly, I will, Otherwise, I'll wait until after my shot.

    Your mileage may vary.

  • K7JBQ
    1,469 Posts
    Wed, Sep 7 2016 6:13 PM

    If another player asks a question, and I can answer quickly, I will, Otherwise, I'll wait until after my shot.

    Your mileage may vary.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Sep 7 2016 6:18 PM

    I play multi-player games to be social and have fun.....occasionally I will be typing and be rushed on my shot, or worse, time be it.

    Is it respectful? It really depends who you are playing with and the circumstances.

    Perhaps you are playing Skins for that case it possibly is, but if a game with mates, I would find it pretty rude for other players not to is a game....enjoyment is the goal.

  • Vangaurd2
    46 Posts
    Wed, Sep 7 2016 8:17 PM


    I play multi-player games to be social and have fun.....occasionally I will be typing and be rushed on my shot, or worse, time be it.

    Is it respectful? It really depends who you are playing with and the circumstances.

    Perhaps you are playing Skins for that case it possibly is, but if a game with mates, I would find it pretty rude for other players not to is a game....enjoyment is the goal.

    I play multi-player for same reason and on occasion will be typing into my clock, but because I feel like its taking away from others time playing the round, I wait until after my shot to send. 

    I think its the player that uses WGT as a place to talk and vent or connect to others 1st and play a fun game 2nd that I am referring to. If i'm invited to play round by friend then I am a guest and its not an issue of time wasted...its a chat room and not a problem. I am just curious if there exists an unwritten protocol I am unaware of or am I alone in the frustration of waiting 40 seconds for what i think is a masterful shot being set up to only be deflated with a full sentence about the weather in Georgia.  

    Its a game....its fun and I shouldn't take it seriously. But its only fun when its played and not played with. 

    Thanks for input Alanti....I appreciate and respect your take on it.


  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Wed, Sep 7 2016 8:50 PM


    I play multi-player games to be social and have fun.....occasionally I will be typing and be rushed on my shot, or worse, time be it.

    Is it respectful? It really depends who you are playing with and the circumstances.

    Perhaps you are playing Skins for that case it possibly is, but if a game with mates, I would find it pretty rude for other players not to is a game....enjoyment is the goal.

    much of what he has said applies.  however, you may want to take into consideration that when you jumped into the game did you check to see what the shot clock time is?  if any person wants to use available shot clock time to chat, and does not violate the clock, what is your gripe?  granted it may be a plain in the a$$, but it is what you agreed to abide by.  i concide that it may take more than one session of the clock to type out a respose or pose a question if you type as slow as i do with only 3 1/2 fingers on my active hand.  plus i have to seperate all my typed words with a period or such, to make it readable.  spacebar still does not work.  it is supposed to be fun, maybe not relaxing, but fun anyway.     my nickle.

  • Vangaurd2
    46 Posts
    Thu, Sep 8 2016 11:55 PM

    Your opinion, and a reason to take 2 min to type....thank you for both.

    Now can anyone answer my questions?

  • K7JBQ
    1,469 Posts
    Fri, Sep 9 2016 8:53 AM

    There's really no answer, and no unwritten protocol.

    What someone does with their allotted time on the shot clock is their business, not mine or yours.

    Even if they take 85 seconds to line up a 7 inch putt. Or take a bathroom break, or grab a cold one.

    If you accept a game with a 90 second shot clock, be prepared to hurry up and wait.