I'm curious as to how many of you that I play against are former club members that used to play on the Links Tour back in the day (FFA,OGT, Cases Ladder, etc.) I was TS_YankeeJim of the Tour Spies and the hours I spent hacking away in virtual competition with you guys were the best.
Is it feasible to think that maybe a subset of the WGT could be leagues/clubs, ladders, maybe a common chat room or something that would pull the golfers together the way the Links Tour did? I'm in.
In the meantime I am thankful to the WGT for giving me an avenue to wean myself off crack! I bought (literally) into the WGT hook, line and unforgiving 8.5 driver- which does hook-and don't have time for the drugs! :-p
Nice job WGT
oh, btw-I still haven't spent anywhere near what the Links progression of versions cost me and doubt that I will as have all I need to compete.