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Former Links Tour golfers

Tue, Mar 1 2022 6:28 AM (33 replies)
  • grumpyolddom
    384 Posts
    Sat, Feb 15 2014 10:50 AM

    Was a great look at what he saw and I thought the game engine was extremely realistic-same clubs for everybody but every shot adjustable and you sure had to know what you were doing.


    Yes another Links player (the dominator). I loved that  game and felt that it was not a golf game but a golf simulator. Links is one of the reasons that I feel I get cheated every time vem. changes my shots.

    In Links like you said everybody had the same clubs and ball and it was up to the player and only the player to make the shot.Loved all of the country clubs and the almost unlimited supply of courses.And the sound scripts were they would have a commentator broadcast your shots just like on T.V. 

    IMO it was the best golf (game) simulator of all times! And I wish that more player here on WGT would have had a chance to see what a real golf game is like.Just think of having 100's of the top courses! Yes even Augusta!!

    Thanks for the post brings back some great memories!! 

  • Thunderhawk7
    63 Posts
    Sat, Feb 15 2014 11:15 AM

    THE "OGT" , Wind Charts, Putt Charts, Chipping Charts, and I could still play a shot in 30 seconds...."ICQ"  "uh oh"  GAME TIME....Yes Great Times....I remember we (BBZ)  set up a whole season following the PGA  Literally every course the pro's played we could play...Even followed the conditions the pros faced.....I kept stats for the whole season.  Firestone was so fun!!!!   Ok I gotta ask...Do you guys remember the US OPEN version I want to say I was PEBBLE BEACH when they mowed the fringe down to the STEMP Meter on a few of the holes?  I just remember Windy Hard and Fast being BRUTAL!!!!   LOL.  Ok that's enough from the memory banks..Glad I saw this post!!!!


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Feb 15 2014 12:01 PM

    And the sound scripts were they would have a commentator broadcast your shots just like on T.V. 

    Better than that-and this really, really made playing with others huge fun, you could send .wav files through the chat box.  Anything you could turn into a .wav file you could send and everybody would hear it.  Any sound drop you heard in a movie could be turned into a .wav file to send. And it was instant, too, none of this waiting while it loads stuff. LOL. Needless to say, Caddyshack and TinCup ruled with the comments. Huge fun.  :-D

  • Thunderhawk7
    63 Posts
    Sat, Feb 15 2014 12:10 PM

    "Its in the hole...........!!!!"""

  • grumpyolddom
    384 Posts
    Sat, Feb 15 2014 1:20 PM

    Better than that-and this really, really made playing with others huge fun, you could send .wav files through the chat box

    Also there was a program (can't remember what it was called) that if you were playing with a partner. You could setup a audio chat with him and talk to him as the game was being played! Give and get help!! And the other team could not hear you!! Some really good comments!! And a lot of fun.

    Also loved the spectators lining the fairways and all the tournament stuff that was setup like flags,tents and leader boards! And I think in one tournament they even had a car on one of the islands (prize for a hole in one). 

    You are right it was a little more expensive than this game because you had to buy the disk (for the game) & the expansion courses from Microsoft if you wanted them. But later they had tons of free courses from people that used the course designer program.

    Didn't Microsoft have the 4 winners of the big tournaments at the end of the year. Get a trip to Las Vegas were they shot a round on stage at one of the casinos live and won big money!!

    It was just a great game and so much fun. Really wish it was back.   

  • Thunderhawk7
    63 Posts
    Sat, Feb 15 2014 4:13 PM

    Grumpy, That they did!!!!  I want to say the fellas name that usually won those tournaments was Paul Wiley or something like that......


  • WillyBigg
    2,135 Posts
    Sat, Feb 15 2014 4:54 PM

    I was there under same name I have now, gr8 fun indeed. Still have the game and all the courses too, all in original boxes.

  • grumpyolddom
    384 Posts
    Sat, Feb 15 2014 5:12 PM

    I want to say the fellas name that usually won those tournaments was Paul Wiley or something like that......

    It is starting to come back to me now!! Been a very long time ago.  LOL. Yep I remember that name. Think he had M.S. or A.L.S. and was in a wheelchair. But he sure could shoot. Think he won $10,000 at one of those events. Too bad Microsoft stopped supporting that game.

    It was great fun!!

  • Thunderhawk7
    63 Posts
    Sat, Feb 15 2014 8:30 PM

    Yes...that was the guy!!!  I played out of "The Zone"  I believe it was called...That was when Microsoft had that seems like soooo long ago...probably because it was....LOL 

  • TSKrust
    1 Posts
    Tue, Oct 25 2016 10:15 PM

    Hello... my late '90s MS Golf 3.0 brothers! Some great, memorable times. MS Golf in the gaming zone, Case's ladder, league matches, Ryder Cups.

    CRT monitors and dial up modems...  still worth it! Had so much fun back in the day....

    Just randomly came across this thread today, and was very happy to see so many familiar names. How's everyone doing???

    TS Krust