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world cup 2017

Sun, Apr 22 2018 4:40 AM (2,096 replies)
    3,174 Posts
    Fri, Mar 31 2017 8:12 AM



    hello  all

    first of all I have to announce that the band of brothers have had to leave the comp due to issues in the club and most of the team leaving,I really feel for jim because he has tried to make a team but it seems no-one wants to play,I have decided that this comp will move on and any team playing band of brothers will get maximum points,it shoudnt make that much difference in the tables but there are 4 spots open with 7 teams in to make the knockout stages,

    Hi Finny,

    As I'm sure plenty of others are doing I've my own spreadsheet going and want to clarify if the opening game that's already been played against Band of Brothers will be recorded as a 24-0 win for their opponents (Georgian Aces) also?



    yes johnny all games concerning the band of brothers will maximum points its only fair,thx for asking



  • italy7michael
    1,123 Posts
    Fri, Mar 31 2017 8:13 AM

    Group 2      Game 2      Match 4

    Bravehearts Scottish Board      vs      Golf Club Arona

    jagger48          CH     62             vs      Fedeco73        CH      61

    match played on 30/03/2017



    3,174 Posts
    Fri, Mar 31 2017 8:23 AM


    Group 2      Game 2      Match 4

    Bravehearts Scottish Board      vs      Golf Club Arona

    jagger48          CH     62             vs      Fedeco73        CH      61

    match played on 30/03/2017



    dont understand this score,it doesnt seem like stableford,can you explain andrea?



  • WigerToods2010
    8,446 Posts
    Fri, Mar 31 2017 8:33 AM


    yes johnny all games concerning the band of brothers will maximum points its only fair,thx for asking


    Cheers, Paul. I noticed it hadn't been changed when I last looked at the spreadsheet via page 1 - hence the query.


    Re Andrea's  post:

    It's a MP result from the 2nd round of games;  match 4 in group 2.

  • pierolitfiba
    6,844 Posts
    Fri, Mar 31 2017 10:34 AM

    Group 4 

    Game 3

    Pierolitfiba CH (The Trannies)   vs   Fabmatt CH (Victoriae)


    Pierolitfiba 63

    Fabmatt     65


    Pierolitfiba 44

    Fabmatt     42

    Fulvio tyvm for the match


    3,174 Posts
    Fri, Mar 31 2017 11:31 AM


    Group 2      Game 2      Match 4

    Bravehearts Scottish Board      vs      Golf Club Arona

    jagger48          CH     62             vs      Fedeco73        CH      61

    match played on 30/03/2017



    ok spotted it and have put the result in thx  johnny


  • birchi
    1,492 Posts
    Fri, Mar 31 2017 1:17 PM

    Group 4, Game 3, Match 1
    birchi (wooden tees) vs. rzimmerman (together we are tequila) 

    very friendly opponent, we had a good match. Front 9 was very close, after that I could extend my lead a bit on the first holes of the back 9. He forfeited the match after playing a 10 because he ended up in the infamous thick rough on the right side of the green on 16.

    thanks for the enjoyable match, good luck in the next rounds!

    score: birchi 47 (60 shots) - rzimmerman  34 (65 shots; after 16 holes)

  • MainzMan
    9,590 Posts
    Fri, Mar 31 2017 1:50 PM

    Eff me, that was a close game.

    Group 2, game 3, match 2, Bridgestone Avengers v Calm Waters.

    This really went to the wire, bad shots from both of us but a run of luck including a pitch in birdie got me a 1 point win over that Crazy FedEx guy  ; ))

    Thanks for the game, it was a great time and I'm sure we'll get plenty more played.

    MainzMan 40 points -2 =38.

    Crazyfedexguy 37 points.

  • Crazyfedexguy
    62 Posts
    Fri, Mar 31 2017 6:11 PM


    Eff me, that was a close game.

    MainzMan 40 points -2 =38.

    Crazyfedexguy 37 points.

    Great game MainzMan, skirt threw me off! Damn Dbl Bogey ;)



  • Bot1
    414 Posts
    Fri, Mar 31 2017 11:50 PM

    Reporting a win for Bot1  (UKGE  EAGLES)  against  midmajor  ( Georgian Diamonds ).

    Group 3 : Game 3 : Match 4 .

    No actual Score to report :  Midmajor politely conceded the match with a few holes to go as Bot1 was several points ahead.

    Thanks for the match Sir , it was cool to play against you and chat.

    Take Care
