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Anyone seen Lizzie?

rated by 0 users
Tue, Apr 5 2011 12:00 AM (32 replies)
  • MioKontic
    4,643 Posts
    Sun, Apr 3 2011 3:21 PM


    OK,  looks like I'm the fool of this joke. So clue me in and anybody else that happens to read this.


    P.S. What's a Yancy?

    Tell you what, go read the forums.  37 posts and you've never read the forums?  Or maybe you're just acting dumb!

  • TopFlite7
    334 Posts
    Sun, Apr 3 2011 3:46 PM

    Tell you what, go read the forums.  37 posts and you've never read the forums?  Or maybe you're just acting dumb!

    Not nice of you to say this. I don't get the joke and I'm not dumb. What 37 post's are you talking about?  Educate me Einstein. Oh I see now with the 37 post's , being I'm a newbee. Read what forum's where to learn about Lizzie? I did read one time in the "FORUMS" this person does write abstract . Please don't  push, only asking a question about the oringinal post. Thank you very much.

  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Sun, Apr 3 2011 3:47 PM

    Yes Mio, I totally agree that Lizzie should answer. What better way to "get introduced" than a one on one? As you have stated before Mio, I'm going to get some popcorn, sit back and enjoy this.

    Careful there TopFlite7, tread lightly.

  • TopFlite7
    334 Posts
    Sun, Apr 3 2011 3:56 PM

    Why? That person is stepping on my toes. I've done nothing wrong but ask a simple question.

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Sun, Apr 3 2011 4:33 PM


    What it is is what it was,and what it was was that my avatar was hidden mostly in the picture screen shot captured by means most foul and after publication here there was a degree of badinage concerning the only part of my avatar to remain in view,which was unfortunate in that that part just so happened to be the part that always appears to look big in this kind of thing.

    I do believe that the only remaining pun concerning my bum that might carry any weight at all might just be my own comment on preceding procedings and that is Herrump! which is to show in the nicest possible way that I could have possibly plumped for,my personal out rage at such salacious slur upon my derriere as depicted rather unkindly by WGT who in their wisdom chose to deny me any choice in how I might myself choose to have such part or parts of my virtual self so inexcusably portrayed to the golfing community otherwise known as members of the best on line golf facsimilie available despite of and heretofore notwithstanding such anomalies as recalcitrant meters,sentient balls and clubs that apparently have more ability than primates such as us who have the benefit of opposing thumbs.No monkey business there then.

    The post count to which you refer having first noted and referenced a previous posters' postal content,is in fact the number of posts that you yourself have made,or at least had had to your name at that time,and quite possibly the perpetrator of said offending missive implied a certain indicativeness based on an equable variable not limited to,but rather specifically founded upon,that very number of posts having capability to have at some point during the build up imparted a non specific knowledge base which could,if proven,amount to enough or more for your own question to have become redundant,supposing that all or at least a high percentage of the original 37 integers previously noted were as it were,spent here in this very forum thus shedding a little and certainly enough,light upon the content of the original post which had you at first stumped.I for one recognise your dichotemy and hope with a fervency that my simple explanation goes some way to relieving your plight.About seven Christmas' ago I recall,and sometimes such recollections come upon me without invite,but recall I do,that someone by the name of Brown,who lived to Bere Alston at that time,was going to a christmas play dressed as a bear.From time to time I wonder why since I myself were not present at the play and therefore can have no real idea of the plot,even were there one.

    As for the question which you relate in singular fashion concerning the whattable of a Yancy,I would be remiss were I not to inform you that a Yancy is in fact a person of great standing and furthermore posessed.Posessed of and by,some might say(thats a small snatch of an Oasis Lyric).He can be found littering these very forums with golden gems of wisdom not dissimilar to little golden gems of wisdom that will rise from mighty acorns and become a wholesome tree a by-product of which is the much sought after detritus from his very own garden golf link (Par 2) in the shape and form of fir cones,available now direct from Yancycan Industries Plc.

    All in all,is all we all are,and for my part,I am very pleased to have fashioned the makings of your acquaintance and sincerely hope that my aforegone meets with your approval which may,in the fullness of time,bear fruit upon the courses where we both might make merry with irons aforethought,riding 'pon the back of mischief as we joyful steal numbers that once were pars.

    Lizzie xx

  • TopFlite7
    334 Posts
    Sun, Apr 3 2011 4:49 PM

    Thanks Lizzie I thought you were a ghost. I like the way you write. Thanks again.


  • Switz71
    278 Posts
    Sun, Apr 3 2011 4:50 PM

    and that in a nutshell..... is our one & only Lizzie :)

  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Sun, Apr 3 2011 5:01 PM

    yes, but which one?

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Sun, Apr 3 2011 5:04 PM

    One days golf,Oh how so drear

    But let me make just some things clear

    I was left behind,was putt out so bad

    I bumbled shots,I was so sad

    Wheres the fairway,that has no rough?

    Couldn't keep me out of that awful stuff

    With Shiney clubs I whacked 'em wild

    But took till Par,before I smiled

    Sweet the grass on every green

    And the once,where I was unseen

    Post area in this forum filled

    With comment wise,by folk so chilled

    And neer a pun was missed at that

    So I just thought,I would have a crack.


    Lizzie xx

  • StrangeMagic
    1,304 Posts
    Sun, Apr 3 2011 8:43 PM

    What is a Lizzie? Damn good question. Why don't we ask Strange Magic?

    Topflite, Welcome and may this shed some light on your interrogatorial delvings:


    Beans is ready !! Come and git it !!