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Anyone seen Lizzie?

rated by 0 users
Tue, Apr 5 2011 12:00 AM (32 replies)
  • Switz71
    278 Posts
    Sun, Apr 3 2011 10:09 PM

    Darn tootin !

  • MioKontic
    4,643 Posts
    Mon, Apr 4 2011 4:31 AM


    and that in a nutshell..... is our one & only Lizzie :)

    Sdorr's right, which one!

    And another thing you're right about Sdorr, popcorn and a good read do go well together.  Only problem is that when reading something Lizzie has written, bits of popcorn tends to fly everywhere - the monitor, the keyboard, the carpet, etc ,etc, etc.  It's very messy!  I think the following warning is required:

    Warning:  Take extra care when reading LizzieRossetti and eating popcorn.

    I will send a letter to the popcorn manufacturers this instant to add the warning on their packets.

  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Mon, Apr 4 2011 7:35 AM

    "why don't we ask Strange Magic"?

    "Or maybe Lizzie herself can answer... in Lizziesque".

    That is one of the beautiful things about this forum, all one has to do is merely ask, and they shall receive. That is as long as your not asking for free equipment or balls, we have witnessed that train wreck before have we not?

    Yes Mio, it is difficult, if not next to impossible to read anything that Lizzie writes and keep a straight face. She is a gem and has, on more that one occasion made me waste a perfectly good shot of Yeagar by making me laugh so hard that it was forced out through my nose. Burns like bloody hell, but worth it.

    Thanks all and have a great week.

  • WiredBullets
    103 Posts
    Mon, Apr 4 2011 7:39 AM

    Can someone donate some free clubs and balls to me? pleeeeaaassseee????

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Mon, Apr 4 2011 10:47 AM

    Of course Mr Bullets.(I assume that one pronounces that Bew leys)

    I have a bag that WGT saw fit to grace me with very early on,and it be full of free clubs and balls.You are welcome to every single piece of it all save the starter sand wedge,which I use to flick the dogs "Accidents" from the croquet lawn with.I am afraid that true to form,the yardage is somewhat suspect with this club,and I have as yet to notice any backspin,except just one time when I had accidently left a boiled haggis within snout distance of the dog,and he ate it whole.It was unfortunate then that Cook,who is not blessed with the most forgiving of natures,happened to be the second witness to this remarkable feat,as said spoiled haggis(much travelled) arced graceful like across the lawns,just made it over the orchard walls,and grounded at first amongst the sage,and thence,with at least two feets of reverse travel,into the rosemary.I do actually recall having Lambert say he was sorry,but Cook was not only apopletic,but also none too pleased at being the recipient of what it turned out was a rather softened version of the original haggis,which finally gave out all hope of holding itself together as it gently,but with a very distinct "POP!" burst at her bosom,where she was knelt gathering the days herbs.I cautioned Lambert that he should take my punishment like a man and to forego any notion of wheedling,since this only ever serves to anger cook the more,and then it's rolling pin time.

    Naturally I exclude the beginner putter also,since I have discovered that this is the Daddy of all putters and can frequently be heard exclaiming "WHO'S YOUR DADDY" when I sink 70+Feets of putt with it.Lambert can often be heard whimpering in his quarters following such putts,I am not sure whether this is connected with my celebration sequence which from time to time has been known to include my running through the halls with my Ramones (I wanna be sedated) Tee shirt pulled backwards over my head,eventually creaming into his door with the instruction to "Follow me and look sharp about it" so that he may witness my achievement several times over via the "Watch Replay" function,so conveniently placed on my screen for such moments of ecstasy.

    You may,at your convenience,arrange a carrier and have them bring their cart to the servants entrance,where the bag will be waiting,wrapped neatly in hessian and tied with baler twine for safe keeping.As a point of noblese oblig'e,I ought remind you however,that any gratuity due,should rightly be borne by yourself,in respect of the carrier and his boy.


    You may thank me by losing incredibly heavily whenever we play.


    Lizzie xx

  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Mon, Apr 4 2011 11:58 AM


  • MioKontic
    4,643 Posts
    Mon, Apr 4 2011 12:08 PM

    Oh darn, that's another wasted bag of popcorn!

  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Mon, Apr 4 2011 12:15 PM

    This may be a tad personnel Lizzie but nevertheless, I have to ask in order to fully form that picture I have of you running thru the halls.

    Is this with, or without your wolly under britches?

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Mon, Apr 4 2011 2:32 PM

    No Sdorr,it is not personnel at all.Is it Mio.

    So anyway,for my supper I had potatoes rolled in cajun spice(not REAL cajun spice Sweetiepie,just Sainsburys own brand) and deep fried in recycled vegetable oil syphoned from Timothys Range Rover.Have to say that our recycling plan is still in the early stages,but I am pretty much sure I overheard that right from the snug  a few weeks ago when Diesel hiked up another £3 per decilitre.

    My Ramones Tee actually doubles as my night attire,so yes of course I was wearing My St Andrews specials,for where else might one tuck ones nightgown in order to leave a large enough overlap to conceal ones 'kerchief? In case you were worried about my demurrage then let me reassure you(Although I suspect you already know this) that whilst running with my Tee backwards over my head,it quite naturally covers my eyes,and like everyone knows,if I cannot see you,then it follows that you cannot see me.Duh uH!


    Lizzie xx


  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Mon, Apr 4 2011 2:53 PM

    Damn, another wasted shot, damn you Lizzard, oh lord that burns!

    P.S. A Little bit off your knickers subject brew haha but I just tried to finish a 9 hole match game with a "player" (who will remain enormously impatient) has given me the best set of complements I have had since I joined this fraternity of golf lovers, before he quit.

    I quote " you seem to take this game to seriously and are way to slow".

    Well thank you young man. I do and I am, just for the opportunity to kick your young, impatient a$$. Darn, he was only down by two after only three holes?