Hello all and first i thank you wgt for the great game you brought us.
Now to the subject, what do i mean a better meter implementation?
I mean adding a scale in the meter meaning a better chance for players to (drive, putt, clip etc..) to be as expected - or computed. Because when i want to take a shot etc. a putt at 36 feet and my meter is at 60 is very difficult to get a precise read on the meter.
And if you do that let the players decide if they want a scale in meter, as an optional setting. That's all i wanted to suggest i hope you do implement it and if you do you will improve our game much better.
But please consider the following question, what about improvements, and i don't mean specifics all kinds of, i know it sounds like someone wants to play chess and not golf but as it seems v.golf stays simple enough for me to just pick the power calculate the lie the peek, wind .. etc. release the mouse and pick the angle... Well i guess you all have a point, the virtual golf is as it is "GREAT" no doubt about that either. Now lets get back into the game !