Respect Tiffer,and normally I would be more than pleased that a game great such as yourself would take the time to help and advise.
I do however,speak from my own experience,since I eventually gave in and bought the two top putters for my level,the rossa and the redwood I believe(Actually a legend friend gifted one of them)
My observations did not bear out my expectations,over a fairly long period of trials,and I found the aggravation of that overly fast meter overcame the accuracy to such a degree that I became morbidly unproductive.
What I did find though,was that for the very first 9 hole round,the fancy putters both netted balls in the cup with great frequency whatever I did with the aim marker(within reason).This led me to believe that indeed they were superior in that they made up for a bad read or a terrible over/under power.I thought I had found the secret of scoring regular 58's right there,and that that was how it was done,with a putter that simply would not allow a miss.
Time proved otherwise though,and after those two 9 hole rounds,the two putters helped me to miss more than ever before and frankly,I was underwhelmed but nevertheless continued to carry out the trials.
I have no clue or cares about putting averages,save to say I knew the subject would be raised,in fact,I do not understand all those numbers in my stats as having so very much relevance to how I enjoy the game,and somehow,seem to improve by the smallest of degrees each day.My conclusion therefore,was that I far preferred serenity to abject frenzy where my putting was concerned,and I sleep easier for not having to ungrit my teeths after an evening of anxiety with those fancy putters in my hands,virtually speaking.
In some ways,if it 'ain't broke,don't fix it,would seem to be a premise to live by here.
Thankyou for your input,I actually do appreciate it a lot.
Lizzie xx