VEM as far as I know (and I know no new info since my playing days) is not designed against an individual player but rather a system that maybe used (i can maybe that I simply do not know if it's used per patent standards) as a randomizing factor, where as if you hit 115 club with no spin in 0 wind will not fly 115 on the dot but 113 to 117 yards. (so called circle of precision) Obviously, that is done to mimic real life conditions, where no club will ever fly identical distances (air temperature, player hit power, elevation, etc).
Now, this thread has 2 misconceptions, and I take it seriously because when new players read it, they need not have doubts about this.
1. We do not predetermine results for anyone, That is simply never been true or will be true.
2. VEM is not tailored to individual players but simply a system to mimic real-life conditions. I do not remember any other person say otherwise, if not, please correct me
Now, I realize people may not agree with me or have a different view. That's fine, discuss it away. Just know, there are things you can discuss or make assumptions or on have an opinion how to do better, and there are things that whatever you discuss will simple not be true from the facts.