Andy I do see what you mean going forward but with a starter putter what could they do?
If both putters were available what would the first meter be, 20ft or 40 ft? Surely one would give an advantage and the other be a disadvantage.
Off the top of my head.....
Maybe something like the Max control putter..increments of 10, 20, 30, 40, 60 ...
Take the forgiveness etc down to current zebra levels and it's good to go.
Now this may have meant (the easy task, made easier by already having the right ppl in, adding the 0.2 on rebranded nike putters) of prog-ing a new putter specifically for this, but......
If the Company is going to roll out new concepts / ideas and want ppl to gamble on them ( they could and should in the future,make 3 or 4 of these for ever higher stakes ) ) THEN....
The minimum they should have done was cater to every playing and paying member.
This has been alot of typing for a quick suggestion to WGTnibs ;-))