Hi All,
OK, now its my turn...
This is greed, pure and simple.
We players here spend an inordinate amount of money to play the few courses we have. Most players I see are using Callaway's and and all have up-graded clubs. the balls alone cost us 3 dollars and only last for maybe a week, if your lucky. TWO is only charging $4.99 a month, most of us are paying $10.00 to $15.00 a month by my estimations.
Charging for green fees is an outright insult to all of the WGT community!
The graphics, as noted by the other paying players are horrendous! I agree totally with Bollox, and most everyone else, give us more options on the courses we already have. Use some of that advertising money that you get from the garbage that floods my screen in between shot to improve the game. Use some of the enormous revenues you receive from the sale of the R11's and the Callaways, to improve meter response and add some stroke courses, a little at a time if need be, start with Pebble Beach, you should have enough data on that course to release for stroke play. Most of the community here are patient, professional in conduct, and very good people. Please do not alienate the people that make this game worth while, after all, its all about the people! Remember that WGT!
Some of y'all know me and play against me. To me the fellowship is the most important thing about the game.
Unless I missed something in this 47 page thread, only 1 response has been given by WGTadmin2 on page 14, I would have thought , based on the reaction of all posts, for a much quicker, more sympathetic response to the issues at hand, and sorry, I must say, a well prepared, politically correct load of Bull Sh*t!
How many times have improvements to the current play been requested, if not demanded outright. Get your heads out our your butts and pay attention to the paying customers. They, WGT, must have HIA disease because its close to the wallet! LOL! And where's Mr. Faterson when we need him! lol!