So, at the risk of another year+ long posting moderation deal; What the *** is the issue with this player anyway?
I don't really get all the ******** moronic ****** everyone is throwing around?
So she/he whatever they are, whatever you think they are, posted a score, got all excited and the alarms go off cuz the scores don't follow a prescribed format? So ****** what?
Christ, my scoring history is all over the fuckin map, I've shot -8 f9 then hit 4 bogeys on the b9 so many times I've lost count. 27 one round and a 31 the next. Not sure what the hell that sort of scoring has to do with anything. The way this game plays, are you kidding? You can hit the ball so bad it should be OOB only to watch it land 1ft to the pin then hit perfect approach and ball's in the weeds 30ft behind the green.
Why would a multi go to all the trouble of renting countless clubs when they know damn well which ones will give them the best results? Why waste the credits, just keep leveling up and get the ones you know work.
This is why I try and stay outta the forum, bunch of dickheads running around wearing the 'self appointed game police badge's from a cereal box' ... lmfao
How about y'all stfu n go figure out how to knock The Clash Masters off their perch?
Also not sure where you get off telling someone it's time to 'pack your bags n leave' Really? Wtf is that ***? Don't see a wgt in front of your name. ******* kills me, ***** goes on here... hahaha