This player has committed faux pas' in the WGT forum and has paid the price by having a lengthy moderation.....of which he still is paying for.
Whilst this player has been opinionated in the past, probably most of the regular posters have been.
I do sincerely believe he has learned from those past indiscretions and will not commit the same mistake if he is taken off moderation.
I also feel the ongoing nature was/is a tad unfair......surely a punishment should reflect the gravity of the crime.
After all, all moderation does is increase the mods workload and often by the time the post is approved, it has been lost over more recent replies. Lets have a balanced range of views (on the proviso they meet the guidelines....or thereabouts if worded well :) )
This player is generous, in his time and has gifted many in the community, offered advice to newer players (good lord help them) he has served his country and he is a fun player to play with) or preferably against him lol)
Probably his biggest fault is he is a sandbagger and/or a crap player....but does that deserve prolonged moderation.
Yes I am talking about CT, come on Icon and the other Mods.....time to take him off, what about it?
The above was a unpaid presentation from Alanti, no animals were harmed in the making of this presentation and no money changed hands.....not even pixelated golf balls.......
Edit - Whilst I know the mods will not discuss this with me......if you can send me a PM with a little dirt on CT that could be used as he lines up a would be appreciated.