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I would like to introduce a player to the Mods

Fri, Feb 17 2017 12:29 AM (133 replies)
  • pmm711
    5,767 Posts
    Mon, Feb 13 2017 7:44 PM


    The forum has no 'rant n rave' sort of section. That's a mistake, they should have a section which is like a seedy bar down a dark alley in a part of town on the wrong side of the tracks. 

    Give members a place to unload and post freely without moderation or fear of being banned. 

    *Of course there would be those common sense guidelines, threatening someone would and should result in permanent banning. People aren't stupid, most know where the line is and anyone who games and is on gaming forums knows what will usually get you banned for good. 

    Put it in Dear Pabby...that's why I started it...folks didn't get it...

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Feb 14 2017 12:25 AM


    The forum has no 'rant n rave' sort of section. That's a mistake, they should have a section which is like a seedy bar down a dark alley in a part of town on the wrong side of the tracks. 

    Give members a place to unload and post freely without moderation or fear of being banned. 

    Anyone cant rant and just need to adhere to the rules......I call it like Speakers Corner in Singapore - you can talk about anything provided you have your speech ratified by the police prior to stepping on that soapbox. Failure to do so.......

    If someone wants a no holds barred forum, there used to be the WGTLS - a third party site where no holds barred mudslinging could happen. It imploded. Everyone needs some rules and guidelines.......without it anarchy ensues.

  • dedBuNNy
    1,919 Posts
    Tue, Feb 14 2017 4:05 AM

    Rant and raving sections still have rules, they're just far more relaxed than they are in the regular forum section.

    Threads started by members aren't the same thing, needs to be an official section to the forum, threads still under normal moderation rules, as we've seen here. 

    Of course what would be really fun is if WGT ran it's own TeamSpeak server. I'm not sure why they never have, I mean with golf being social and this whole games success hinged on social interaction it seem kinda odd. 

    I game, I play FPS's as well as race. I'm on a few forums and clan forums. I can say from personal experience that where there's been a Teamspeak server running, the idiotc and raving type of posts that you see in the 'type only' forums doesn't happen on the TS. You get the odd player who loses it, but it's so easy to stick them in a room, mute them for a short period and once they've dealt with their psychosis they are let back in - in like 15 mins or something appropriate. if they do something truly stupid like threaten someone for instance, they're removed and banned, easy.

    The ability to moderate and deal with a live player on TS is easy. Plus when people are talking live, they tend to behave a little more like they would in real life. People also have way more fun when they're talking to other players from the game.


    Anyway, it's somewhat silly that CT is still being modded.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Tue, Feb 14 2017 4:29 AM

    "Anyway, it's somewhat silly that CT is still being modded..."

    Topgolf has basically neutered WGT and the management team. It's why there are so few answers to the many questions posed; and so little action taken with the great ideas that have been posted and easy to implement....the mods have been reduced to hall monitors.

    The reason I'm still moderated is because no one knows how long the muzzle is supposed to last. I would suggest the only mod who even knows why I'm moderated, is the one who initiated it. He was in a snit because I couldn't ignore the relentless attacks by 2 x haters...both of whom are still free and clear. No doubt history together.

    I'm upset that it wasn't lifted long enough for me to post a timely response for my friend Peter...but at least it was eventually posted.

    Wgtpizza used to end his posts with "stay classy"...apparently not everyone got the memo.


  • pmm711
    5,767 Posts
    Tue, Feb 14 2017 3:24 PM

  • gonfission
    2,259 Posts
    Tue, Feb 14 2017 3:47 PM

    "Anyway, it's somewhat silly that CT is still being modded..."

    Icon ......."Okay, It's been long enough I suppose".

    Wgtpizza used to end his posts with "stay classy"...




    Wha? Wait a minute, what the hell is that?

    Oh so that's how you want to play, eh?

    Okay, let's see... there, DONE!

    One more week.

    A passing soul, names two people he believes to be best entrusted, with his demise, and one of them remains shackled to the whipping post. A 1 day reprieve may have sufficed, if not recognition, from a community.

    Yeah, ridiculously silly, like that^^^

    I don't think Icon is responsible for this internment. I think a couple of stones are.

    If this has been a lesson to be learned, at his expense, Collin is beleaguered with a mountain of debt, and, his expense account is impoverished, barren, Death Valley dried up.

    Creeping Leaves


  • PhilEStein
    1,269 Posts
    Wed, Feb 15 2017 11:33 AM

    "I don't think Icon is responsible for this internment. I think a couple of stones are"

    I'd vouch for Mick and Charley anytime. Woody not so. He's too pally with Rod the Mod for my taste. Keith, well he's normally out with the fairies at the best of times.



  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Feb 15 2017 1:29 PM

    I'm upset that it wasn't lifted long enough for me to post a timely response for my friend Peter...but at least it was eventually posted.

    Me too here I go

    The posting guidelines are available and for the most part are pretty clear. Sure there are grey areas, and as such are circumnavigated from time to time, but often law is about the intent when it was written, not necessarily the way it is interpreted, For that, as for the guidelines, I have no problem.

    But then there is an anomaly......where does it mention the penalties if those very guidelines are broken?

    In golf, in a stroke round and I ground my club in a hazard, I accept I will receive a 2 stroke penalty.

    Now if I break those posting guidelines - what penalty will I receive.

    The problem as I see it, this is subjective, and as we know, subjectivity can be unfair, biased and unjust.

    In Colin's case, I think the he could have/should have at least had a temporary lifting of his moderation, so he could post in real time regarding Peter, not wait a day until it showed. This was also highlighted when the Andyson tournament was run, some players could not post scores or even post at all......surely some discretion should be used.

    Therefore these guidelines should be updated to also state what punishments will be, including length and should future transgressions occur, what those ramifications will be.

    So what I think should happen is:

    1. Advise the player what rules they have broken
    2. Advise the length of the punishment
    3. process for appealing, including timeframes and process

    This would add transparency to the process, which currently does not exist.

    Now here is one of those grey areas, and bear in mind, this thread is 11 pages long.

    From the guidelines -

    "Creating threads with the intention of highlighting disciplinary actions taken against a player"

    Sort of highlights the conditions and how these guidelines can be interpreted and I suppose the lack of consistency.

    Yes when I created the thread, it was in hope that Colin could post freely, but was done in a light hearted manner with humour injected, But at the core it highlights the frailties of the system, when anyone can fall foul of the system, or the people in charge of that system are not impartial.