alanti:I have been, and probably will continue to vocal regarding my views, and as a result have butted heads with quite a few people....including Paul. However despite disagreements, I still respect him and remain friends.
You chose well, Alanti.
We are who we choose to be. It is our actions that define us, nothing else. You can be the nicest person on the block, until someone hurts your children. Then primal instinct is going to take over.
Hurt my children, I'll literally crucify your ass, for all to see.
You have no control over this type of anger. Anyone who thinks they do, are lying to themselves, and all around them, or they're selfish troglodytes.
Trying to control peoples emotions is impossible. If two people differ with each other, it is far better to let them have at each other, until one is finally at the stage of reality.
That being, "WTF are we doing, & how long can this go on for"? then it ends.
Something new begins, from that point on. I have seen some pretty corrosive comments in here, that others, either don't get, or, could care less. Sometimes I envy those folks.
Peer pressure is ever present in these forums. Little girls taking their own lives over bullying, has changed some posting boards drastically. Perhaps the new owners are cognitive of this, and have taken the "normal" (HAH!) responses, from the WGT mods most of us know.
Icon's hands may be tied, by new rules we know nothing about. Someone has to decide what constitutes infractions, and to what degree, those infractions will be punished.
Quick question. Is Icon the only mod left here? what happened to Shoe, Pizza, Shamwow, Universe, or any others I can't recall now? I read the old forums quite a bit.
Every thing is relative. My buddy Einstein said that. What constitutes an infraction to my dry, innocuous humor, may seem unfair to others that think, (perceive) my kind of humor is spiteful.
It's not. It's observational. If someone is going to take a jab at someone, they better be well equipped to receive, as well as they give. All to many are not able to receive, and go crying to mommy.
A very high percent of the posters in here are also observationally motivated. This thread is a very good example of exactly that. Every single poster to this thread, has responded to a previous post, and has OBSERVED the intention of the post, except one person.
Other than that, everyone has had humorous remarks towards others, about our beleaguered friend's position.
When Dopy spewed forth maliciously, he became the receiver. He did that all by himself, and deserves everything that comes his way. He's not going to like it.
Well, I don't actually know that, as he does hang with a few dogs, that all were used for conditioning. If he has no problem with being an experiment, by his own volition, he should not be bothered by his receivership of all the remarks, he wantonly asked for, by chiding the person he once felt slighted by.
Collin's friends, acquaintances, have come to his aid in the topic of the initial post. They also came to his aid when the magnificent malcontent, chose his path. Poorly I might add.
Overall a good example of the good & bad, that dwell in us all. Some cling to ugly as well.
We the self defined, by all above postings, wish the moderation of Collin to be henceforth commuted.
Hope I did not take any gratuitous behavior with any of the above, except one. He asked for it, received it, and deserved it.
Creeping Leaves