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WGT National Enquirer Comic Contest!

Tue, May 3 2011 4:40 PM (172 replies)
  • sixkiller
    1,147 Posts
    Wed, Apr 27 2011 9:07 PM

    CoS: Sir, word is, you just made  Lvietri's No Play list!       Pres: @#$*%!, damn that HIO to win on Kiawah 18 must have made him suspicious! Good thing I already made that deal with Bolox!

  • opyeuclid
    6,709 Posts
    Wed, Apr 27 2011 9:12 PM

    Po   ,,,   Dam   that  IvaThongon is  is hot !!!

    C    ,,  what happens on WGT  stay,s  on WGT

  • opyeuclid
    6,709 Posts
    Wed, Apr 27 2011 9:28 PM

    C    ,,  Andyson is on the phone Sir  ,,He want,s to know if you have seen his last post,, what should I tell him ?

    PO  ,,  Who read,s the forums


  • sixkiller
    1,147 Posts
    Wed, Apr 27 2011 9:28 PM

    Cos: Sir, Lvitrie just outed you and Tiger in the forum!             Pres: That S.O.B. has got it in for me now. What was that line that Clinton used....?

  • oldmanhacker
    47 Posts
    Wed, Apr 27 2011 9:35 PM

    COS:  Mr President, let me explain to you why i play with pink balls.

    President Obama: OK, go ahead.    (Thinking to himself).....Don't laugh....DON'T LAUGH.....I'M GONNA LAUGH!!!!

  • StoneColdKiller
    76 Posts
    Wed, Apr 27 2011 10:12 PM

    COS : Sir, you've been playing this game for 237 consecutive days, why do you still suck so bad?

    Pres: DAMNIT its cuz i'm left-handed and this POS keeps trying to hit right-handed!!

  • Fuzzygazz
    1,469 Posts
    Wed, Apr 27 2011 10:26 PM

    COS: Pres salamii is back 

    Pres  good , hes been promising to show me places i could  never  imagine..

     he mentioned something  about a curse too? Any ideas about that??

  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Wed, Apr 27 2011 11:41 PM

    COS: Sir, Icon says his picture should be next to Chads. But I told him that would blow our covert operation. He sounded befuddled and confused!

    Pres: You mean no one told him, he's a "Bug"? 

  • PugsAce
    1,825 Posts
    Thu, Apr 28 2011 4:00 AM

    Ha-haaaaaaaa!  :]]

    2,580 Posts
    Thu, Apr 28 2011 5:11 AM

    COS: Mr president, I'm been followed by a strange white bubble hovering over my head for the last few days.

    PO: SSSHHH Rob, me too. We will take WGT's way of doing things, ignore it, and hope it goes away.