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Spin Dot (or something else) to DRAW & FADE

rated by 0 users
Fri, Mar 31 2017 12:12 PM (29 replies)
  • c17n
    13 Posts
    Tue, Mar 14 2017 7:21 PM

    Description: I'd like to submit a couple of feature requests:
    #4. Implement the option to use Spin Dot to Draw & Fade
    - Drawing and fading with the meter is crazy hard and nowhere near as repeatable as drawing and fading in real life with a simple setup alignment adjustment.

    - In real life I can pick my start line & then pick my finish line and assuming I make decent contact a fade or draw will happen automatically...  I'd really like that on WGT and even getting a couple more yards of carry & roll on a draw, and more drop and stop on a fade with the loss of a few yards of carry.

    - I'd even be ok with the alignment and shot going to pot based on how badly you missed the meter.

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Wed, Mar 15 2017 9:11 AM

    Implement the option to use Spin Dot to Draw & Fade

    This is obviously not your first go around, so I'm not going to suggest that you use the "search".

    You know that this has been asked long ago and that it was stated by WGT that they  could not get the desired results to implement a "Draw & Fade" correctly. So the early/late hit on the meter is what we get.

  • jeffmatulich
    482 Posts
    Wed, Mar 15 2017 12:30 PM

    I sense the reality is they dont want to spend the Eng. and RD resources to work on it....They are focused on revenue generating features only.  Its only maths, it can be done. 

  • hognutz03
    13 Posts
    Wed, Mar 15 2017 1:38 PM

    Draws and Fades are not part of golf anymore. WGT made me realize that. I used to agree with you 100%. WGT is the most realistic golf game out there. They even say so. That's why I use the meow here kitty kitty  ball and play on. A barking ball would great too

  • mathia14
    1,271 Posts
    Wed, Mar 15 2017 2:08 PM


    I sense the reality is they dont want to spend the Eng. and RD resources to work on it....They are focused on revenue generating features only.  Its only maths, it can be done. 

    +1   Well said.

  • c17n
    13 Posts
    Thu, Mar 16 2017 9:05 AM

    +1 Well said indeed...

    I was just thinking if enough people asked, they would definitely spend the development hours to implement it.  

    For monetization they could even specifically make it a paid for feature, they could even implement it as country club features for the highest ranked clubs ala shot meter, putting meter, draw/fade meter. Or a paid for feature for users the same as the previously mentioned features are implemented.

    Frankly regarding implementation I wouldn't want another fade/draw meter, I already have that in the shot meter.  I can't aim it as well as I can aim a real shot on the course with my pre-shot alignment.  You'd end up needing lines you start on and lines your ball finishes on based on the shot shape (just like in real golf).


    The above said,

    I do think the fade&draw very much have a place in golf.  Many holes are designed specifically for draws and fades, and if you can't hit the shot the holes demands your are forced to work hard to still reach par.  Also there is definitely something incredibly satisfying about getting out of trouble with a fade or draw around a tree which lands on the green.  

    I just thought it could / would add something to this game.


    By the way,

    Sorry I didn't search for this request first and I should have.



  • BPeterson8256
    2,938 Posts
    Thu, Mar 16 2017 3:50 PM



    I do think the fade&draw very much have a place in golf.  Many holes are designed specifically for draws and fades, and if you can't hit the shot the holes demands your are forced to work hard to still reach par. 



    I realize I am new to this game, and many might disagree with me, but this game does have draw and fade. Missing the ding to draw or fade plays exactly as I would expect a draw or fade to play. I will be the first to admit that the graphics are not pretty. It looks like you fly through trees instead of around them. However, the result is that you get around the trees. I see so many post that talk about erratic shots or erratic clubs. I find that virtually (98-99%) of shots play exactly as I expect them to when I think of the missed ding as a draw or fade. Missing against the wind cuts distance and negates the effect of the wind. Missing with the wind may add a yard or two, and amplifies the effect of the wind. I have had entire greens blocked by trees at Olympic, and hit a draw to the middle of the green. I also use it on many Olympic holes for the drive, especially with tail winds. The choice is to either blow through the fairway or lay up if you don't play the draw and fade. Playing it, you get 300+ yard shots to the middle of the fairway. Here is a specific example, #10 at Merion. This is an easy green to drive (holding the green is another story), but from the legend tees, there is a tree blocking you. I have landed and held the green several times with a hard draw. I have even made eagle there with a short putt when there was a hard wind blowing left to right. A draw into the green against that wind set the ball down soft. Note: I may not be very good, but that is not because I don't know where the ball is going. I just struggle to hit (and or miss) the ding the way I want. I know the second I hit the shot where the ball will end up. There is no mystery if you think of the missed dings as draw and fade. I also realize that some would like the dot on the ball to control it, or the avatars feet to position different, or whatever. The fact is that the shot is there to be played. Practice it a little and you will find that it plays rather nice. If anything, it seems to me that playing a draw or fade can be a little more forgiving than playing for the ding.

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Thu, Mar 16 2017 7:55 PM

    You can somewhat draw and fade your drivers, some have incl. slightly w/ the woods. But there is no draw or fade w/ the irons. Search out the topics and you will see all the info.

    Mentioned in the OP is a fact usually overlooked by some WGT players: Sometimes a draw against the crosswind (as I have seen) will produce longer distance than a dinged shot, with exception. 

    With other golf games I'l draw or fade over 90% of my approach shots. 

  • BPeterson8256
    2,938 Posts
    Thu, Mar 16 2017 8:13 PM


    But there is no draw or fade w/ the irons. Search out the topics and you will see all the info.


    I have seen what others say on this topic. All I know, is that I can play my irons around trees. It doesn't matter to me much that others tell me it doesn't work. I use the shot and find it very beneficial when needed. I am not trying to be contrary. I am just saying it works fine for me. If you try it and it doesn't work for you, then I guess don't use it. 

  • 8802
    4,303 Posts
    Thu, Mar 16 2017 8:16 PM


    I do think the fade&draw very much have a place in golf.  Many holes are designed specifically for draws and fades, and if you can't hit the shot the holes demands your are forced to work hard to still reach par.  Also there is definitely something incredibly satisfying about getting out of trouble with a fade or draw around a tree which lands on the green.  

    Very much so.  Take #4 at Olympic.  The play off the tee is start it slightly right and draw it around the corner, hopefully holding the fairway sloping in the opposite direction of the dogleg.  No PGA Tour pro would attempt what we do, blasting it over the trees on the left with full BS.  Similar on #2 on Bethpage, where the ball sails magically through the ghost trees.

    But this is fantasy golf, not real golf.  The overly forgiving clubs and extreme low scoring reflect that.

    I've tried the off ding hits, but don't really get fades and draws, more of a push or pull.  Which can be helpful to cancel out or ride a crosswind, but isn't a true fade or draw.

    Back in the 1990's, I played Links (Access Software) and not only could you impart sidespin by opening or closing your clubface, you could also adjust ball position and the direction of your swing (in to out or out to in).  Impressive!