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Coins and credits

Mon, Dec 25 2023 3:44 AM (15 replies)
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  • Rom5550
    1 Posts
    Mon, Apr 24 2017 7:35 PM

    Enjoying the game much....coins however are pretty useless to me...don't want to rent clubs.....can't buy balls passes or power boosts with them....would be big help if these were added as purchase opportunities or if you could exchange coins for credits

  • CraigTayl0r
    172 Posts
    Tue, Apr 25 2017 12:37 PM

    you can gamble them in Turf Wars, other than that... useless, I agree

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Mon, May 1 2017 6:17 AM

    Perhaps if the coins were given a value in credits with the ability to exchange them, the mobile game could get to an equal footing with the PC game. 5000 coins for 1 credit might be a fair value, Then set up the bank to do the money changing. This would give WGT an answer to the question of what "coming soon" really means. Obviously they created the possibility of a bank without the players having a need for one. Here is a need then.

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Mon, May 1 2017 6:29 AM

    Yes, the coins are pretty much worthless. And yes, it would be nice to convert them to credits. But does anyone really think WGT would continue to give out coins for free on a daily basis if they had any actual worth?

    In other words, if the coins were able to be converted to credits, I'm pretty sure of two things. First, they would stop giving them away for free each day. And second, either the exchange rate would be extremely high or they would find a way to exclude all coins previously earned from being used and only coins earned after a certain date could be used for exchange.

    There's no way WGT is going to set up a system in which people who have 100s of thousands of coins (possibly in the millions) are going to be able to convert those to any amount of meaningful credits. Just not going to happen.

  • Alpick1
    79 Posts
    Tue, Aug 14 2018 3:16 PM

    My suggestion is : why not using our coins banking amounts to give away to your Country Clubs to upgrade features. I mean maybe on monthly basis, you can give an amount of your coins to your Country Club owner to buy some team benefits and upgrade your  Cc features and level.

    I have over 3millions coins, and I just keep collecting them for nothing, very boring and means absolutely nothing. That way, I am sure WGT will be able to sell some coins packages because it will worth for something very usefull.

  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Wed, Aug 15 2018 12:00 AM


    Perhaps if the coins were given a value in credits with the ability to exchange them, the mobile game could get to an equal footing with the PC game. 5000 coins for 1 credit might be a fair value, Then set up the bank to do the money changing. This would give WGT an answer to the question of what "coming soon" really means. Obviously they created the possibility of a bank without the players having a need for one. Here is a need then.

    Totally agree, at least we have something to shoot for. 


  • Williams01210021
    1,231 Posts
    Wed, Aug 15 2018 12:45 AM

    Coins need adjusting big time, Pointless being in the game at all if no gains. Main issue is they are just on mobile. This will stop wgt making them worth anything as pc players would be at a unfair disadvantage. 

    They brought the turf war in to try and spice it up abit and fair play to them. We want more club v club events that are new and different. Only issue was they made turf wars suck!

    Another way of making money, people spending all those credits on passes to win their turf war just to get 1 supper pass in the clash....  The trophies leaderboard is pointless and the whole turf war is pointless. Thats what needs revamping and made better. 

    As for the coins. I like the idea of having another currency in game, (make them available for pc as well.....) just give the other currency a use. I have said they could expand on alot of things in the game and have the coins be used for this.

    My main idea is based around the club house. You should be able to upgrade it for better rewards. I know the cc levels have their rewards but there is plenty more that could be added. I have already mentioned them in another post. Things like your clubs own putting green, Give members the chance to choose which green they have. Upgrade it from 3 holes to 9 then 18. Add a driving range where you can test new clubs and balls out. again can start with a basic version then upgrade it. Enter cc leagues and big tournaments (But that involves wgt staff doing something creative....) 

    Have a grip service where you can change your grips, give us some new colour choices etc. 

    so many options to make this work but they wont. They cant even update the rewards page on mobile past level 16 for clubs.... and nothing new on the horizon for 21+. how long does that take? even if it just a few simple ones like another director at say level 22. Do it now instead of waiting a year or so when more clubs have already gone past it and then will be at the next level waiting all over again.

  • 19USFeng78
    1 Posts
    Sun, Jan 9 2022 7:48 PM

    I support the option to exchange credits for coins and coins for credits. At the lower experience levels, I had loads of credits and struggled to win coins. Now with substantial experience, I have the reverse situation, i.e. millions of coins and few credits. At a minimum, it would be nice to purchase balls using coins since this is the one equipment item that is a consumable, i.e. is used up then needs replacement.

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Mon, Jan 10 2022 8:03 AM

    Everybody supports the idea. But it's never going to happen.

    There are players with trillions in coins. There's no way WGT is going to allow them to convert those to any appreciable number of credits.

    Or if WGT did, the exchange rate would be so ridiculous it wouldn't affect the vast majority of players. I seriously doubt the exchange rate would be lower than 1 billion coins = 1 credit.

    And the exchange rate would probably be higher, along the lines of 10 or 100 billion coins = 1 credit.

  • BOZskills
    417 Posts
    Tue, Jan 11 2022 6:05 AM


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