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Spider Putter Question

Thu, May 19 2011 7:15 AM (26 replies)
  • RichCash
    62 Posts
    Thu, May 5 2011 1:13 PM

    I had a regular wgt putter with an increment of 30,60 etc...

    I read on the forums that the 30 length had 5 increments of 6 feet to equal 30. When you started to increase power you could see the putter go back every 6 feet until you reached the full 30 feet. 

    When i switched to the spider they have increments of 25,50 i thought the 25 footer would be 5 increments of 5 equaling 25!  That's not the case. On the 50 footer it is 5 increments of 10 to equal 50...

    Does anyone know if it is 2 increments of 10 and then 1 increment of 5?

    I got so used to putting that way, that I am disappointed in this spider putter. Can anyone tell me any info on this spider putter?



    I hope i explained it correctly.

  • Nicholas99
    429 Posts
    Thu, May 5 2011 1:35 PM

    never used the putter like that, but now i changed from the spider to the daytona wow what a dirfference gr8 putter daytona makes the spider look like dirt lol.\

    sorry about not being able to answer your question guess your going to have to figure that out just play and playing.


  • Steelers75
    239 Posts
    Thu, May 5 2011 2:18 PM

    The Spider is the worst putter in the game.  Best advice is for you to get the Rossa.  You'll like it a lot more; make more putts.  Every putter is different but the increments are figured the same: meter distance divided by number of segments in the swing = ft per segment.  It's take time to get used to the characteristics of a new putter.  However, once you get it down you'll be satisfied.

  • RichCash
    62 Posts
    Thu, May 5 2011 2:27 PM

    Yeah, but the spider has 2 segments with part of a segment left over. I thought it was 10,10 and five but it isnt.

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Thu, May 5 2011 2:35 PM

    Hullo Rich.

    Prepare to be bombarded with posts telling you that the Spider is the worst thing since before even worst things had a classification all to themselves.

    Don't let any of that sway you though,because what you need is to find the best one for you based on your own expectations.Personally I found the Spider to be infernal in its ability to fool me with every putt which I think it did because my grip was too light,at least until I pushed it with some force into a rabbit hole on Bethpage number 15.In fairness I havent found an equal to my beginners yet,despite every player from legend to hack giving me their wisdom on the subject.Funny that.

    Anyway,with regard to your current dilemma,there has been at least one post of relevance to all that avatar movement stuff,and the arguments that inevitably ensued both debunked and reaffirmed each and every proposition as to the respective footages of each movement,which for me was the ultimate turn off since my yawning drowned out any possible benefit I might have gained had I been able to maintain interest long enough to give a damn.

    So whilst my post can help you not at all,I hope it does at least give you hope that someone,somewhere has an answer to fit your query.And someone else will also have a different answer for the same question,which in so many ways,defines this,the very pinnacle of online golf games,and makes it the exciting,absorbing obsession that it is.

    Good luck and happy potting-time will heal,depending on how long you have...


    Lizzie xx

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, May 5 2011 2:56 PM

    The more scales, the better. This simply means each move is going to be a different length. Figure it out. Count the number of moves and divide it into the scale. 

    Personally, I'd listen to Steelers75. GL


  • RichCash
    62 Posts
    Thu, May 5 2011 3:09 PM

    Well, so far no one has actually answered the question, but just giving their own "jibberish", with all due repsect.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, May 5 2011 3:15 PM

    That's because I gave up trying to find the chart that was posted that will answer your question. I spent 15 minutes looking-you look.  Use the search box.  There was one posted about a month ago that covered exactly what you're looking for.

    Nice of you to acknowledge the help as jibberish.


  • RichCash
    62 Posts
    Thu, May 5 2011 3:32 PM

    Actually, YankeeJim as I was writing my post you had posted a helpful post. I WASN'T referring to you at all.

    I apologize if it seemed that way.  Thanks for the info.

  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Thu, May 5 2011 4:03 PM

    OK, here is the deal. To me, it is stupid to rely on increments based on an avatar's move. Simple math dictates the putt stroke strength. DUH. Make a scale!