Seeing as the brackets are always full up with the players that are on here 24/7 and have like $3000+ in earnings it dont really give normal players a chance to win anything. Once you get to legend it seems pointless entering anything you have to pay to enter as your just throwing your money away.
yes they have earned the right to win and have played for years probably but when they play every event they can knowing that they will win 90% of the time its almost impossible for others to win. The fact the top players make 1000's a month is ridiculous. Seeing them play in 50 credit tourneys is abit ridiculous. not like they dont have enough credits......
my idea is pretty simple. Have some more brackets/ready go's and tournaments that instead of tier specific they are based on how much you have earned in the past. So for example a bracket where you can only enter if you have earned less than $100 credits. then the next one could be between 100-500 then 500-2000 etc etc. this would mean more people would have a fairer chance of winning credits.
I know full well if i enter a legend bracket at the moment I'm never going to win, yes i have only been a legend a few months but i dont see myself being able to win one of these when people are shooting 56's 57's every round. If we had a few of these tourneys then you would be up against similar players, yes you will still get the odd few people who are very good but they won't be able to stay playing them for ever so would give regular players more of a chance.
We dont all have time to sit there with our note pads out working out the shot distance on a calculator and dividing it by 25.7 because of a 14 mph headwind..... i agree some work needs to be put in but its almost impossible to win some credits when your at a medioka stage.