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Thu, Jul 27 2017 4:58 AM (32 replies)
  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Thu, Jul 13 2017 11:42 PM

    Congratulations Opy...What were you before the reformation, and what are you now?

    Also, why are you telling us this?

  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Fri, Jul 14 2017 12:02 AM


    its just the inverse square law cropping up in physics - yet again!!



    Ah that old inverse square law popping up again, how the hell did I not spot that, DAMN! 

    So it's physics, not algebra, just shows how  much attention I gave to the algebra.


    I'm gonna follow up on your equasion goldilocks and read up on it until I understand it.  It might take a couple of years before I do understand it, but I'll let ya know when I do.

    Thank you.  OjO

    I'd like to dedicate this tune to my good friend, Paul the Professor,  the 'comedian'........
















  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Fri, Jul 14 2017 12:31 AM


    Well if it was a clock tower, the exact time of death would have been known, assuming the clock was working and accurate.

    Ah, Einsten, leave it to him to take us back where we started.    G     .


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, Jul 14 2017 2:36 AM

    t's been a long time since I did the little bit algebra back then, can anyone work out the equasion above?


  • blindpugh
    433 Posts
    Fri, Jul 14 2017 3:05 AM


  • duda51
    1,007 Posts
    Fri, Jul 14 2017 3:43 AM

    G = Spot which in its self =G spot which = a mystery for most and a talent to some,some find it yuk and some find it yum, i for the best part find it quite fun to look for a mystery near one`s bum. 

    OUT biatches

  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Fri, Jul 14 2017 5:48 AM

    ....and the d squared means what?

    The "D" represents the "distance separating the objects' centers"

    "G" represents the universal gravitation constant

    Goldeena is no slouch, when it comes to physics. I believe Goldena is partial to astrophysics. So don't be sweeping Goldeena under the rug. That explanation put forth, was not googled by Goldeena. I am positive of that.

    Goldeena's IQ is most likely in the top 8% of the worlds great thinkers.

    A shout out to BIGAL123 as well.

     What does the whole eqasion mean?  

    It means an object will fall uninterrupted, at a given speed, no matter it's mass

    F=Gravity. m = mass 1, & m = mass again, mass 2, two objects. d = the distance between the 2 masses, centers.

      "F", is the "F" word in physics, as there has never been a real answer to what causes Gravity, in the first place.

    We know it's here. We know it's effects, (apples bonk people in the head), we know how much solid rocket fuel it takes to over come it's effects, lobbing a weapon, oops, missile, into space.

    However, there has never been a concrete reason of what makes its force do what it does.

    That's why physics is THEORETICAL!

    We need new math, to broach the speed of light. The old Newtonian, & Einstein early math, that is still being used today, will never allow us to make the leap forward.

    On a side note, the Chinese have teleported a proton, 900 times, to the space station.

    700, were successful. Yep, Star Trek was right.

    Considering the machine it will take to de- atomize & re-atomize your cellular structure, at any given point in space, it will also be able to weed out all diseased cells. Meaning no more sickness. Over population, from longer life expectancies.

    "Oh, what a tangled web we weave".

    Being as protons are entangled in light, I would say we are 250 years from extinction, as a species, on this planet. "Watson", IBM's Artificial Intelligent computer, let off its very tight leash, will bring about the sci fi results, of androids, building robots, with artificial intelligence, to wipe us out, as we are the cause of all strife on this wondrous orb, hurtling through the cosmos.

    Good thing I'm gonna die soon

    I'm tired of thinking about this stuff, as cool as it is, it will be our demise.

    Of course, this all hinges on the global killer asteroid, that is headed for us, doesn't do it first.

    Happy dreams

  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Sat, Jul 15 2017 12:15 AM

    G  whizzzz...zzZzzZZzZZZZzZz

  • txzdave
    1,316 Posts
    Sun, Jul 16 2017 1:24 AM


                    If it isn't what will crack the code.....It is a wonderful password for your  next endeavor.

                 Squared D should raise hairs. I couldn't deal with me again.

                               Do se do......Take Yo pahdna round and round and what you doin'?

                                              Calm down, Dave squared!

                    Dance!      Dance!
