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Thu, Jul 27 2017 4:58 AM (32 replies)
  • txzdave
    1,316 Posts
    Sun, Jul 16 2017 1:24 AM


                    If it isn't what will crack the code.....It is a wonderful password for your  next endeavor.

                 Squared D should raise hairs. I couldn't deal with me again.

                               Do se do......Take Yo pahdna round and round and what you doin'?

                                              Calm down, Dave squared!

                    Dance!      Dance!


  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Sun, Jul 16 2017 3:20 AM

    Finally, a plausible explanation of gravity ^^^

  • nanstar
    4,914 Posts
    Sun, Jul 16 2017 4:09 AM


    The 'G'

    The MCG!

  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Mon, Jul 17 2017 9:07 AM


  • 77Rachel
    1,590 Posts
    Tue, Jul 25 2017 5:47 AM


    No,no, no....

    you guys have it all wrong, methinks.

    While Mr. Fission is certainly capable of higher thought, I doubt he would display such thinking in this venue.

    This equation is much more simple than all of that.

    The variables used in his equation were surely borrowed from conventional physics, but only just borrowed. In this case, I believe Mr. Fission intended for:

      Fgrav = the attractiveness of the average beach-goer

      G = swimsuit appeal

      Mearth = physical fitness

      m = age

      d2= effort put into maintaining physical appeal

    So that - the attractiveness of the average beach-goer is a function of his or her apparel, fitness, and age (in years) divided by the square of the subject's efforts at maintenance.

    A slightly flawed concept, but still...well done Mr. Fission.


  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Tue, Jul 25 2017 9:23 AM


    No matter how hard I try, I can't slip one by Rachel

    Mearth, being the son of Mork and Mindy, a perfect physical hybrid, was outted, by her physics prowess

    Bravo, indeed


  • 77Rachel
    1,590 Posts
    Tue, Jul 25 2017 9:59 AM


    On a side note, the Chinese have teleported a proton, 900 times, to the space station.

    Happy dreams

    Ah yes Mr. Fission.  You have indeed slipped a few by me, but I suspect you know by now that this old hag is a tad different from most of humankind.

    One thing I noticed but wasn't going to point out pertains to the above quote.

    Being that I read a ton about entangled pairs a couple of decades ago, I can say with surety that these concepts are not new and that the Chinese have not, in this case, done anything monumental. What we have here is not evidence of Star Trekish feats.

    What was accomplished recently by the Chinese was not the teleportation of a proton. In fact, it was a photon. And it wasn't teleported at all. The Chinese simply sent one half of an entangled pair of photons into space and then acted on its mate, thereby instantaneously transmitting information in an unhackable and in fact undetectable way by anyone without access to one of the mated entangled photons. This has been done many times, and this isnt even the greatest distance covered. The 300 or so miles into space is less than distances at which this experiment has been performed here on earth.. Theoretically, however, the distance between an entangled pair of photons is irrelevant.

    That's a long-winded way of saying to anyone up in arms over this, and failing to sleep well as a result, that all is well. Nothing has been unleashed and we won't be beaming up to Scotty anytime soon.

    Sleep well..unless asteroids worry you.  :)

    This has more potential to speed up wifi and calm wgt naysayers than it does to revolutionize our way of life or cause extinction.

    I am unable at this time, Mr. Fission, to agree with the Armageddon-like theories put forth, but may I instead offer you a hug??  I have a brand new bag of PREMIUM hugs in my golf bag waiting for occasions just like this.


  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Tue, Jul 25 2017 7:01 PM

    Indeed my spelling was incorrect.

    Thanks for the clarification.

    Rachel, I am stupefied, momentarily, about your post. I will consider you as a "sleeper" physicist. I am truly impressed, however, not surprised. We must talk.

    Your boyfriend isn't Michio Kaku, is he? "Behind every good man"...

    The photon pairs were only able to be created about 8 times on average. A feat in itself. Last year, a month prior to now, the Chinese broke the record with 10 pairs. They had to reproduce it to claim victory.

    Basically, if you want to produce entangled photons, you need to take one energetic photon, and using a laser, split it into two photons with a lower charge inside a crystal of beta-barium borate. These two photons will come out naturally entangled with each other.

    To create something like an eight-photon entanglement - or a record-breaking 10-photon entanglement - you can feed them through beam splitters and have them arrive at exactly the same time, which allows you to combine entangled pairs.

    You are correct as far as the use of the quantum communications, However, teleportation has taken place.

    Last month, Chinese researchers showed that quantum communication between Earth and space is possible, and now they have used the tech, to send a photon to space, using quantum teleportation. The distances you are referring to, happened over fiber optic cables, here on terra firma.

    I am unaware at this, writing of fiber optic cables attached to a satellite.

    The experiment was conducted between Micius (the Chinese quantum satellite) and a ground station. The researchers were able to transfer the unknown quantum state from one photon here on Earth to another one in space.

    If we want to prove once and for all that quantum computers, and quantum teleportation, are viable technologies for the future, we’re going to have to produce entanglement at a much quicker rate, and involving a whole lot more photons. 

    Once thought of as a rare occurrence, and limited to discussions about what the hell happens to matter, as it falls over the event horizon, of a Black Hole - spoiler: we still don’t know - quantum entanglement, has in recent years become a mainstay, for physicists working on everything from cryptography, to teleportation.
    In simplistic terms, it is the new theoretical science of continuing to receive their endowments, and pay checks.
    We're all made up of light, held in matter. Every thing we see, and do, is light related, on the quantum scale.
    This is how we will overcome the light speed barrier. Not by star ships, and propulsion.
    Rachel, check out the National Geographic channel for "Year Million"
    I've seen 3 episodes already last night & today. You will most likely enjoy it.
    Hugs for everyone.





  • 77Rachel
    1,590 Posts
    Wed, Jul 26 2017 4:55 AM

    Ahhhh, Mr. Fission, indeed I am finding this discussion entertaining. I do have a few comments on your last, but let me start with saying it is a pleasure to re-make your acquaintance. Moreover, discussions on advanced physical (or quantum) properties of the universe and its contents always pique my interest, as these things have been a hobby of mine for quite some time.

    Okay, back to the topic at hand. I feel that the term "teleport" is being used far too loosely here. When I define the term, it involves the transfer of matter or energy (as we know, one and the same) across spacetime instantaneously. That is not what has occurred here.

    What the Chinese (and other researchers before them) have done is not the transfer of "stuff". They have merely transmitted information. It is impressive that information can be transmitted in this way, across vast distances instantaneously and without crossing spacetime in between, but as we have discussed, this is not new. They created a pair of entangled photons and then TRANSported (NOT teleported) one of them into space. This transport required time and crossed space as it happened.  Then they merely acted on the home this case measured it, lol... and, by doing so, altered its mate that was across spacetime instantaneously. To those that would call this teleportation, I say an emphatic PFFFFFT.

    It was a breakthrough the first time it was accomplished, but this latest incarnation is nothing more than fluffery. There is a reason this hasn't been announced on CNN. It is nothing to get excited about, and the entire scientific community knows it. It is true that the Chinese launched a satellite specifically to achieve this goal, but again I say PFFFT.

    As for the 10 way split, bravo. Again, though, this seems like a small feat to me. In a few years we will be accomplishing billion way photon splits. This is analogous to the first car to reach 10 mph. Undoubtedly this technology will have effects in computing and information transfer, but it has nothing to do with what most people think of as teleportation and the use of that term is for publicity. Hmmm, I can't remember a time when the Chinese government exaggerated anything and a few desperate scientists hopped on board a publicity train, lol!

    Big fat hug, Mr. Fission, and feel free to consider this an act of friendship. Despite what you and others may think, I always liked you.


  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Wed, Jul 26 2017 8:06 AM

    I'll be more careful of what I post in future....
