I would like to submit that the next big tournament with a qualifying round should NOT be unlimited play!
Honestly I may never see the top 10 of a single play round, but I still believe it diminishes the quality of the tournament if you give unlimited chances to perfect the entry.
Giving one shot at qualifying will at least level to playing field more. Even the best players make mistakes and miss hits at times, and some others get a lucky bounce. The scores would not be so distorted at that point.
The alternative is to follow the old saying, "If at first you don't succeed, try again, and again, and again, and again, and again..."
...until you reach 55 for one round (Congrats to BolloxInBruges!) and have fully exploited the system as it now stands.
(If you shoot an unbelievable first round, then my hat's off to you)
So, to sum it up...This US OPEN at Congressional is more about quantity of rounds to perfect your score than the quality of your game to qualify.