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Wed, Aug 16 2017 6:55 PM (55 replies)
  • DuwayneCook
    53 Posts
    Tue, Aug 8 2017 5:37 PM

    Looks like peanuts has gone the way of supersonic. No credits for 8 days. That's the first time that has happened in six years .

    Maybe top golf just wants to get rid of us older players who just cant afford more tan $5 per month for golf balls.

    Yes in the past I've spent a wee bit more, but if my wife ever finds out I would not be looking for balls on wgt, I'd be concerned about getting mine re attached to my body. hahahaha 

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,754 Posts
    Tue, Aug 8 2017 8:32 PM

    Yes in the past I've spent a wee bit more, but if my wife ever finds out I would not be looking for balls on wgt, I'd be concerned about getting mine re attached to my body.


  • carlosdev
    2,570 Posts
    Tue, Aug 8 2017 9:16 PM

    Supersonic, Peanut everything is out now. May be they do not want to be in wgt anymore. 

    Looks like talking about real money for golfs. Iam also not receiving anymore free videos. Everything is totally stopped for me. looking bad for players like me who have to put real money for balls n clubs. 

  • borntobesting
    9,777 Posts
    Wed, Aug 9 2017 4:36 AM


    Looks like peanuts has gone the way of supersonic. No credits for 8 days. That's the first time that has happened in six years .

    Maybe top golf just wants to get rid of us older players who just cant afford more tan $5 per month for golf balls.

    Yes in the past I've spent a wee bit more, but if my wife ever finds out I would not be looking for balls on wgt, I'd be concerned about getting mine re attached to my body. hahahaha 

    It must be just you. Peanut Labs is my main source of credits. I make at least 150 or so from them every day. 1/2 of them on my PC and 1/2 of them on WGT mobile on my Iphone

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Wed, Aug 9 2017 7:18 AM

    +1 Sting is right Peanut Labs and the other sites are still here . They cant leave at least not yet . They have become my go to site for credits now . If I can knock out at least 2 - 3 surveys a week then that`s all I need to survive to be honest about it .

    If they take away all of the offers I can play with the rock and still post decent scores . I already have top clubs so ball replacement is all that I need . I can Play with the Tour SD ball 65 credits a sleeve and wow out .

    But its pathetic that Top Golf is jerking the rug out from other players who do really need them in order to be a part of this game . Maybe I`ll send a letter to them and explain the error of their ways and what this will mean to some of their members in the game .

  • adaputter
    1,954 Posts
    Wed, Aug 9 2017 12:20 PM

    it looks like peanut and super sonic works in USA only i  dont get any of them in the uk

  • joemt825
    124 Posts
    Wed, Aug 9 2017 7:32 PM

    I'll never understand why people can't scratch together maybe $15 a month for balls.  If it's for something you enjoy, why not....?  It's 50 cents a day. If your that poor, how did you buy a house, computer, and wifi???


  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Wed, Aug 9 2017 7:55 PM

    I'll never understand why people can't scratch together maybe $15 a month for balls.  If it's for something you enjoy, why not....?  It's 50 cents a day. If your that poor, how did you buy a house, computer, and wifi???

    Just because they enjoy something doesn't mean they're going to set it as a spending priority. Obviously, for some, the $15 per month number you mention is already set aside for something else.

    Unless a person is well off, at some point, the person will draw a line at something that only costs (metaphorically) $15 per month.

  • joemt825
    124 Posts
    Wed, Aug 9 2017 8:51 PM

    Or they're cheap and afraid of their wives.  If you spend an hour at the computer to earn a hundred credits, you'd be better off getting a paper route.  Ask your wife's permission first, of course, so she can take off the shock collar. 

  • MFuston
    439 Posts
    Wed, Aug 9 2017 10:43 PM

    ^^^  LOL@Joe!  As always, he's keepin' it real, folks.  I love it!