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Wed, Aug 16 2017 6:55 PM (55 replies)
  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Thu, Aug 10 2017 4:34 AM

    Retirement generally means less income then when working but more time. I now have the time to get the "free" credits but not the money to purchase those same credits. And as Lonnie says, using the white rocks can still mean that I can play the game for no cost.

    Thinking about how this site is promoted, it sometimes appears that there are a large number of non-playing members. Perhaps the advertisers are beginning to really look at the true numbers. There are members who have not played in years and are still on the rolls When a company says that there are over 10 million registered players, an advertiser might expect more views than the company is able to provide. This might be why so much effort is being put into improving the mobile app and drawing in a new type of member; a member who takes the game on the road and plays more often than the PC player who visits, registers, and then fails to stay long term.

    As users, we just have to hope that TopGolf can find enough revenue streams to provide a profit so that this site will remain. Hate to see it disappear from the internet like EA's Tiger Woods Golf. I sure don't want to have to purchase a gaming system and  then the games to play on that system.

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Thu, Aug 10 2017 3:12 PM

    +1 Hack.

  • TreeTopFlyer57
    79 Posts
    Thu, Aug 10 2017 3:57 PM

       Peanut Labs is working fine as usual here. However looks like supersonic is gone, I can`t really complain about trialpay being gone though as they BANNED me about a yr and a half ago when they had that broken link for the show"Community". You could click 4 times over a period of about 15 seconds and get 8 credits. I saw that, made a really huuuuge pot of coffee and didn`t stop clicking until I "earned" (lol) over 5000 credits. It wasn`t more than a day later that I got banned. I was told I could get the bann lifted if I apologized and promised not to do it again. The only thing I would have apologized for is that they`re too damn cheap to hire adequate technical support people that wouldn`t have let that happen in the 1st place. Hey trialpay..... really sorry,,,,did my nose just grow an inch ? (tks Japeto)

         TTF  out

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Thu, Aug 10 2017 5:55 PM

    If you spend an hour at the computer to earn a hundred credits, you'd be better off getting a paper route. 

    Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.

  • VBSrocks
    7 Posts
    Fri, Aug 11 2017 6:04 PM

    Agreed.  I was a longtime Shot Online player to lvl 115, then finally left to finish my novel.


    It seemed Shot Online was too hard to ever play off of a phone, so I was skeptical when WGT had phone app.  I registered years ago but never played.  But if you can play SO, you can play this, and at least the dimensions aren't comical.  I won't EVER hit a 600 yd drive like in that game so a 320 yd drive feels real. 

    For me I'm not willing to pay cash to get better clubs.  The best players start off learning to play well with crap clubs then get really good when they can get a driver and 3w to start.

    I quite like it, but wish I could play on my computer (can't load it).  Just amazed the quality is good enough to play well from your phone.



  • ebbwmikey
    441 Posts
    Sat, Aug 12 2017 2:28 AM

    Well my view is good riddens to supersonic adds also take the rest off here also trialplay,fyber,radiumone,They all nothing but a con how amny times have people been ripped off with these sites iv lost count.they quick enough asking you for a fee but yu never resive credits but yu sure find a hole in yu bank balance when they take the money out.

    In the last year i aint seen one of these offers pay out they just a server clutter to be honest.

    In the last week iv earned allmost 2000 credits just on the servey page ye ok its hard work but yu have to learn to *** them and it works some will not proceed and give yu 5 credits but most pay out.

  • joemt825
    124 Posts
    Sat, Aug 12 2017 6:25 PM

    Ty sir. 

  • fourdude
    1,311 Posts
    Sat, Aug 12 2017 8:57 PM

    I just got this message today, what gives?


  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Sat, Aug 12 2017 9:14 PM

    fourdude, I got that same notice tonight when I tried to access the survey page.  I'm guessing quite a few members are seeing it.

    It's possible Topgolf is in the process of removing our access to free credits, also possible that Peanut Labs isn't doing so well here as they have in the past.

    Will be interesting to see how many others are getting this same notice.

    If Topgolf continues to severely limit the free credit offers, this is one player who will exit once my credits are gone.

  • fourdude
    1,311 Posts
    Sat, Aug 12 2017 9:28 PM

    If Topgolf continues to severely limit the free credit offers, this is one player who will exit once my credits are gone.

    Thank you for your quick response mkg335, and I agree that if I can no longer get free credits I will be leaving after I run out of credits. The surveys were the last thing left that I had been able to get free credits, without those it is slim pickings.