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Putt Preview

Mon, Dec 17 2018 8:03 AM (44 replies)
  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Fri, Dec 1 2017 5:30 AM

    Why would they even need the putting help, as an amateur they are given the option to take a gimme from up to 8 feet away.  Anything from farther away than that, is a poke and hope anyways , as they are to new to know the other putting techniques. For the op to ask a question, no problem, but to attack someone and call them an uneducated gamer is ludicrous.  At that point its game on!  

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Dec 1 2017 6:38 AM

    but to attack someone and call them an uneducated gamer is ludicrous.  At that point its game on!  

    By all means, descend to that level. Make sure to ignore your snide input.

    You obviously don't get it but the OP's happy. 

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Fri, Dec 1 2017 6:56 AM


    Fair enough.

    We simply read his post and responses differently.

    Be well.

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Fri, Dec 1 2017 7:14 AM



    but to attack someone and call them an uneducated gamer is ludicrous.  At that point its game on!  

    By all means, descend to that level. Make sure to ignore your snide input.

    You obviously don't get it but the OP's happy. 

    Oh yea I get it, and I've also been on the opposite end and gotten it put to me.  I've read tons of all the comments that has been put on here.  With all due respect, may I suggest that you heed your own advice.  As upper tiered members on here, we are expected to help others, I try, I've taken a lot of the advice from  a lot of you, and was able to move up in my abilities.  With that in mind I've also read a lot of the garbage that has been put out on here.  There isn't too many on here that isn't guilty of snide remarks, especially when they are confronted by anyone.  

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Dec 1 2017 7:35 AM

    With all due respect, may I suggest that you heed your own advice.  As upper tiered members on here, we are expected to help others,

    6th post on Page 1. Last one on the page, too. Perfect examples. Every other post was an attempt to educate and move people off the cynical POV. You know, the benefit of the doubt thing.

    FWIW, I played a MP round with MisterWGT a long time ago-it was when Olympic first came out. During the convo in the match I asked him what motivated him to pursue WGT. His answer was a surprise and then made sense to me. He envisioned a worldwide community centered on the game of golf. He wanted to tap in to the social aspect of the game and grow it from there.

    This was what came to mind when I read the OP's post and my thought was his idea was working. I sure can attest to it. I have friends all over the world that I'll never meet but feel like I've known for a long time. I suspect the OP does, too, they just play on a different level that doesn't demand practice and perfection.

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Fri, Dec 1 2017 9:12 AM


    That is simply absurd

    Yet another reason never to play on mobile IMO.

    Other than in practice mode, I've never seen putt preview available in a tournament or any ranked rounds I've played. Maybe it's only available for those rounds for the lower-tiered players.

  • AceSkyKing
    17 Posts
    Wed, Dec 6 2017 12:56 PM

    I posting my very first question in the forum with a request for info that would help my understanding of how a particular part of the system works.  As can be seen, there were some first responders who were less than civil to the point of being condescending.  And at this point in the thread, their position still has not changed much. Perhaps a re-reading of the WGT posting guidelines and Etiquette would help.  If that is not in the cards, then have an understanding that most everyone starts off as a  "newbie".  

    I assume that the purpose of starting off as hack/amateur with gimmies and putt preview is to get the feel of the game by the crawl, walk, run method.  I have read a lot of the posted how-to Tips, but sometimes one just has to ask another user of the system to get a better understanding of to use it to play well. I did not have that goal in mind, and having fun in the process, I wouldn't be here. 

    This newbie thanks all of you have provided good suggestions without looking down on me for having asked for your help.  It is appreciated. 

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Wed, Dec 6 2017 2:01 PM

    Mr. King,  if I may, without you being bias of my previous comments, these forums are a snake pit!  There are a lot of people on here that have had many complaints, and gotten a lot worse handed to them, than you did.  I'm not saying that it's right, cuz it's not.  My best and most honest suggestion is for you to join a small, but good country club.  There,  you can ask all the questions and get very good answers, and helpful tips.  Find one that has a mentoring program, that way you can learn the game at it's finest, without worry of being ridiculed, or blasted.  Sincerely I wish you the best of luck!!!!!!!!

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Wed, Dec 6 2017 3:58 PM


    Apologies for any of my comments. I meant no ill intent. 

  • Next260
    2,207 Posts
    Wed, Dec 6 2017 5:10 PM

    My best and most honest suggestion is for you to join a small, but good country club.  There,  you can ask all the questions and get very good answers, and helpful tips.  Find one that has a mentoring program, that way you can learn the game at it's finest, without worry of being ridiculed, or blasted. 

    Absolutely correct, in the same effort of being helpful , I'd like to suggest you contact PDB1 about joining Valley of the Sun Casual Club.

    He recruited me out of a dead club when I was an amateur or pro an with the members help I've made Master and looking to move on up.