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Putt Preview

Mon, Dec 17 2018 8:03 AM (44 replies)
  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Dec 6 2017 6:38 PM


    A little strong. Singling out a certain group is not right.   

     However, It should not be available for anything but practice rounds.

    I am not sure who you were referring to and if it was me, all I was saying it is just another good reason to avoid that platform. I have no inclination in playing the game on a smaller screen - part of the reason I play is to look at the courses, and having played a couple in real golf, it sort of reminds you of the course and shows another dimension - that would not be replicated on a small screen....then there are gimmicks such as Turf wars an Apparel instant turn off.

    But thanks to Simon and yourself for the clarification re putt previews.....I did find it hard to believe and would be absurd.

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Fri, Dec 8 2017 6:33 AM

    Fyi, my tablet is an 18.4 inch screen, and my laptop is a 17 inch.  Don't rule out mobile play thinking only a phone, or 7 and 10 inch screens.  I find that the touchscreen is a lot easier and more reactive than my mouse, I know that there are great mouse's for game purposes, just my opinion that tablet is easier.  

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Fri, Dec 8 2017 6:42 AM

    Fyi, my tablet is an 18.4 inch screen, and my laptop is a 17 inch.  Don't rule out mobile play thinking only a phone, or 7 and 10 inch screens.  I find that the touchscreen is a lot easier and more reactive than my mouse, I know that there are great mouse's for game purposes, just my opinion that tablet is easier.  

    Similarly, I play on an iPad Pro, which has a 12.9-inch screen. I find it much easier to play on it than on my MacBook Pro. And besides adding a mouse to a MacBook is like putting training wheels on a racing bicycle. It would just get in the way without providing additional utility. 

  • Mitch2992
    207 Posts
    Mon, Dec 17 2018 7:33 AM

    Because it’s cheating, no clubs allow it in any of their tourneys! shows you a line that shows you exactly where to putt and how hard to hit actually is like getting a mulligan on each putt. Lol, do you want to sit your fat butt in a lounge chair next to the green, eating a burrito from 7-11 and have some one putt it for you too? What a Joke....PRACTICE...LAZY BOY!

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Mon, Dec 17 2018 8:03 AM


    Because it’s cheating, no clubs allow it in any of their tourneys! shows you a line that shows you exactly where to putt and how hard to hit actually is like getting a mulligan on each putt. Lol, do you want to sit your fat butt in a lounge chair next to the green, eating a burrito from 7-11 and have some one putt it for you too? What a Joke....PRACTICE...LAZY BOY!

    We've been waiting a year for you to post the definitive answer. I have to say, I'm a bit disappointed.

    I mean you've got the all caps (for a few words) and the extra periods as well as the random insult. Nevertheless, in some respects, it feels lacking.