When Sharon played wgt and was accosted by the creeps who do these things, she would 1st warn them that it would be reported to wgt and screen shots would be sent. If the creep continued to be rude Sharon would be just as, if not more, rude in return................................................................................................................................ Sharon never quit because of their rudeness, after all she joined a group to play wgt golf. At the end of the round if she felt the creep did not improve their actions and words, she would make posts on their profile wall, sometimes for 8 - 10 days in a row, so anyone reading their profile page would be aware of their penchant for sexual abuse. She would also make a post on the country club presidents wall reporting the abuse and enlisting his assistance to reprimand the named creep...........................................................................................................................
..... If it seemed that the named creep continued to sexually abuse Sharon or others, I would assist her in correcting the creeps manners, sometimes for weeks!.........................................................................................................................
..... Sharon and I were born and raised in an era when open sexual abuse was not common and was treated with great disdain by most people and especially by ourselves.....................................................................................................................
..... It was regarded by us as a personal insult! Therefore we did everything possible to eliminate this type of abuse. It must stop! To this end I charge wgt Management (?) to be more insistent, and take more severe action against repeat offenders! Sharon is no longer here to be able to help you in this matter, but I feel as though what I have said and advised you to do certain things to help you fight off the creeps and that she would agree! Sharon's Nickle.....