pdb1: I am proof that any balls to the wall player can just stop .
I don't mean this with any ill will, please don't take it that way...what made me laugh a little Paul is I had to wonder ... while you may have slowed down your playing, the other component and it doesn't involve a cost per se to "play" but it is the "need" or "desire" to participate in the community that keeps you coming back and commenting in the forums.
could you pull away from the forums just as you did the game play? I am not suggesting you do so, please don't take it that way. the idea was...you can get drawn into the game or the forums feeling compelled to respond or share what you know and that is another personality type. I am not calling it a disorder either, but maybe a trait or characteristic. You enjoy engaging with others...wouldn't you agree, that would be harder for you to pull away from because it can give you a sense of validation and contributing to others.
I also think there is a difference between having an addictive personality disorder and simply having normal range of humans emotions, egos, and personality types that can be drawn into addictive like patterns. That does not mean these people have a disorder but it draws upon basic human instinctual behaviors that are widespread across a lot of different types of personalities!