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Caring thoughts

Wed, Nov 8 2017 7:17 PM (26 replies)
  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Mon, Nov 6 2017 7:03 AM
    I think Overtheedge was referring to the type of people who commit such acts

    I am normally (jury's still out) inclined to agree with your assessment.

    However, to not know what was said, in what context, is always a red flag, to be silent, about things one knows nothing of.

    Your statement is correct, of course. However, for it to apply here, prior knowledge of subject matter, must be considered, before making a blanket statement.

    One of my life's mentors is Confucius.

    "True wisdom, is to know, what you do not know".

    Adding to that over the years of my endeavors, I also learned, when to, STFU, about things I knew nothing about.

    Peace out, Brother

  • overtheedge
    5,881 Posts
    Mon, Nov 6 2017 7:36 AM

    I think Overtheedge was referring to the type of people who commit such acts as nut jobs, not you. At least that's how I took him comments.

    Gosh darn! TY phred. gon and swan, you are both the perfect example of reading into a post and not comprehending, understanding nor getting the full meaning behind my statement. I was adding to the act of violence that took place. I was referring - back - to my original post. WHY on Gods green earth would you both attack me like this. GON - you need to practice what you preach. SWAN - honestly. You sound like a very angry individual ready to jump on somebody before you FULLY understand the meaning behind a post. My goodness man. Read my original post and maybe, just maybe you might take a look at yourself and THINK BEFORE you are so quick to react.
  • craigswan
    31,549 Posts
    Mon, Nov 6 2017 8:21 AM
    I have a thick skin guys . Let's move on . Thanks for the support .
  • craigswan
    31,549 Posts
    Mon, Nov 6 2017 12:22 PM
    To overheedge - With hindsight I may have read into your post the wrong way and reacted . I was just attempting to defend myself . This forum creates plenty of vindictive behaviour and if you stay around for any length of time you actually start to behave like them getting your attack in first . A case of joining the crowd instead of standing out from them .You seem to be a thoughtful person and as phred has pointed out I read your post as an attack on myself . I offer you a handshake as there are becoming less and less of the decent kind in this world . craig .
  • claremoreblue
    2,322 Posts
    Mon, Nov 6 2017 12:57 PM
    These acts are terrible and I'm with you Edge! Mercy! I hope all of you have a great day and as always,shoot low, from an old has been that beat cancer!! I'm still enjoying the game after a looooong break.
  • overtheedge
    5,881 Posts
    Mon, Nov 6 2017 2:54 PM
    These acts are terrible and I'm with you Edge! Mercy! I hope all of you have a great day and as always,shoot low, from an old has been that beat cancer!! I'm still enjoying the game after a looooong break.
    Welcome back my old friend. It is always a good feeling to see one of the highly respected players come back to the community. It doesn't happen all that much these days. God bless you and your family blue. My thoughts and best wishes my friend. Adding to this, it didn't take long for another terrible act of violence to hit us again. Less than a week! God Bless all the families of the victims in another senseless, heartless, violent act at a CHURCH in Texas. We are driving deeper and deeper into some very dark times. This topic for example. A couple people not fully understanding a simple reply and a reaction that turns into something that never should have. I accept your handshake swan. gon, I would hope after the jury comes back you realize your reaction was just that - a reaction to a reply that you obviously misconceived. No worries. Peace bro.
  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Mon, Nov 6 2017 4:28 PM
    Just got home. long day.

    Since my wife reminded me, men all use the same brain, and it's not my turn yet, I'll get back to you in the morning.

    Thank you for your neutral elucidations of these matters

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Mon, Nov 6 2017 6:48 PM
    I would just like to say that in these troubling times, let us all try and offer each other a handshake instead of a clinched fist. I'm as guilty as anyone for occasionally jumping to conclusions or mis-reading someones comments. It being human nature, doesn't fully excuse me for doing it. Go in peace, brothers and sisters.


  • overtheedge
    5,881 Posts
    Tue, Nov 7 2017 5:03 AM
    I would just like to say that in these troubling times, let us all try and offer each other a handshake instead of a clinched fist. I'm as guilty as anyone for occasionally jumping to conclusions or mis-reading someones comments. It being human nature, doesn't fully excuse me for doing it. Go in peace, brothers and sisters.


    Well put Jeff. Thank you for steering all of us in the right direction. Staying on point from my original post, while in NY a few wks ago this evil (thing) was doing "practice runs" in and about the same time I was walking that path. It is becoming ridiculous. They want to call themselves "terrorist" when in all actuality they are mass murders. It has nothing to do with terrorism. This (thing) that drove a truck down a walk-way was a want'a be. WE, everyone included, no matter what country, no matter where you live, you, me, we will NOT be terrified. They will NEVER accomplish their goal. So again, they are nothing but cowardly, heartless, psychopathic mass murderers .PLEASE - this is just my opinion and after realizing "practice runs" were being done in and about the same time I was there, walking that same path makes me feel soo grateful and has given me a new perspective on how quickly our lives and the lives of the people we love can be changed forever - in a split second. God Bless us all.
  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Tue, Nov 7 2017 6:01 AM

    Morning all

    Someone forgot to turn the clocks back, the other day. As it was not my turn to use the hive mind, of the male species, I have but one direction to look. Being as my wife is Chinese, and you NEVER, want to p-i-s-s- one off, I gladly absorbed the blame.

    Osmosis, was the best course of action. For the same reason above, you don't want engage futility. Just smile & take it like a man.

    Overtheedge, can I call you "Hedgey"? Then it doesn't sound as though you are always over something.


    Find your 1001 goofy facts books again please

    I didn't get a chance to see what was posted. That being said it sounds like some people are just born into nut job behavior and ignorance.

    That was the totality of your post, above, that Craig & I responded to. We had no idea, you digressed back to your original post in the thread, which I can't imagine a lucid individual would disagree with.

    Our collective comprehension levels, not knowing Craig, other than through his musings, or writings, are quite steadfastly intact.

    You assumed his comment was aligned with your original one. A mistake in comprehension, on your part. Removing his posting, caused that to happen to a rational person, such as yourself.

    It is quite understandable, to me, now that you have regressed, back to your OP, with your explanation of us, misinterpreting, a very short blanketed, statement, that you may now understand, looked like a kick in the cojone's to us.

    Interpretation of the written, as well as, the spoken words today, is difficult at best, when we are all constrained by forced, PC behavior.

    Something I don't practice, if you can't take the truth, you may as well jump off the planet now. The truth is painful, & dirty, & and almost NEVER found, in any organization, reporting supposed truth.

    Craig's remark of people being ruthless, before anything else, is because some have allowed the indoctrination, of STFU, and do what we tell you, to do.

    It's planetary, & getting worse by the day.

    Again, I don't know Craig personally, however, I would bet my life, that he is NOT one of the indoctrinated.

    To recapitulate, from Jeff's, (phred's) point of view, which I did agree with, except, I did so with prejudice, due to lack of information,on your part, of digression clarification, I too, wish to extend to you, a pinky promise, to try to be more vigilant, in the future, regarding perception, & interpretation. I am a chess player, I should have acted with more restraint.

    I found your riposte to us, very forgiving, and non combative. Thus my comment last night. I was not being facetious.

    It bordered on insulting, however, keen comprehension, of which I am not lacking, in any manner, can understand, the retorts basis.

    What little I have read of your postings, with the best of my recollection, they have been very concise, contrite, & positively helpful. I ran out of "C" words.

    Please accept my apology, for slapping your ass, and calling you Red.

    In hindsight, it looks as though I should receive the 1st place medallion, with the scissors, to trim the hotdog
