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Surveys now broken?

Mon, Jan 15 2018 5:07 AM (20 replies)
  • MrFunnyWobbl
    894 Posts
    Fri, Jan 12 2018 3:47 PM

    I've recently come back to playing WGT roughly daily after basically a break for a few months. Before I used to do surveys for balls and generally not have issues. Since I started doing them again, every single one screens you out right at the end. They literally say thank you for doing the survey, you hit next and screen you out?


    Is this a new thing? I'll contact the peanut people but wondering if this is just me? 

  • TopShelf2010
    10,968 Posts
    Fri, Jan 12 2018 4:23 PM


  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Fri, Jan 12 2018 4:31 PM

    Its just you . Ive had a few do that to me but I send a ticket to Peanut Labs and get credited for them . Depends on how far you go though . If you are at the end of the survey and it happens then by all means report it . They are for the most part good at paying out . I usually hit 3 -5 surveys a week with no problems and other days cant get one at all .

    Do the other offers too . The ones below the surveys are good for the most part . I have a email just for junk offers . Submit email for credits and they pay out good . 1 payed out 550 credits just for doing an insurance quote . They pay any where from 80 - 500+ credits just for that information . So give those a try as they are worth the time .

  • WillieSinkit
    1,761 Posts
    Sat, Jan 13 2018 2:52 AM

    Can I suggest that you avoid doing the TrialPay surveys as they are very reluctant to pay your rewards.

    I recently completed an extremely long survey of theirs, made it to the last page, hit submit and then it just froze on me :(

    Contacted their customer support who told me that it was because I am using a VPN / Proxy.

    I then spoke with my IT support guy who advised me to avoid them like the plague !


  • LMD01
    92 Posts
    Sat, Jan 13 2018 3:06 AM

    if you can't afford a cpl bucks a week to play the game .. without crying bout earning az few creds to every 3 minutes or so to watch a meaningless add.. i suggest a new hobby like counting rocks, no cost involved..... holy crap you ppl are so stingy .... an then wine about it,,  

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Sat, Jan 13 2018 3:37 AM

    I never whine about any wine! But with some, I never purchase another bottle. The same goes for surveys. A good survey taker can spot the ones not worth trying to finish. And there are some of us here who make a game of collecting "free" credits just as we  make a game of playing WGT golf.  Some of the people who dip into their wallets take the game too seriously and even whine when balls are lost out of bounds or in ponds.

  • LMD01
    92 Posts
    Sat, Jan 13 2018 4:53 AM

    pfft .... don't like like the odds .. get out of the kitchen ladies,,...... some ppl have the paitence to watch videos for a cpl of cents ,,, some just wanna play without the hassle ... don't like it.. create your own business an run it the way  you think it should be run... whinge wine.. blah blah   all the same really no one listens.. have fun the way you enjoy it, an leave the sulking out of it.. 

  • mathia14
    1,271 Posts
    Sat, Jan 13 2018 5:12 AM


    if you can't afford a cpl bucks a week to play the game .. without crying bout earning az few creds to every 3 minutes or so to watch a meaningless add.. i suggest a new hobby like counting rocks, no cost involved..... holy crap you ppl are so stingy .... an then wine about it,,  

    Sorry, but some of us are retired & on a fixed income, so even a couple of bucks a week takes away from other things like, food, medicine & the like.  So some might be stingy, but stingy for a reason.

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Sat, Jan 13 2018 6:54 AM

    pfft .... don't like like the odds .. get out of the kitchen ladies,,...... some ppl have the paitence to watch videos for a cpl of cents ,,, some just wanna play without the hassle ... don't like it.. create your own business an run it the way  you think it should be run... whinge wine.. blah blah   all the same really no one listens.. have fun the way you enjoy it, an leave the sulking out of it.. 

    I think you're missing the larger point here. And that point is that some people are putting in the time and effort to complete something (for example, taking a survey) and not receiving the credit they were promised.

    That's a legitimate complaint. And the reason it's a legitimate complaint is that the perception is that the people who conducted the survey got the information they wanted but didn't pay off. 

    By the way, as an aside, the surveys and videos are not available in all countries. 

    By the way, part 2, have you ever thought of switching to decaf? :-) 

  • MrFunnyWobbl
    894 Posts
    Sat, Jan 13 2018 9:08 AM


    if you can't afford a cpl bucks a week to play the game .. without crying bout earning az few creds to every 3 minutes or so to watch a meaningless add.. i suggest a new hobby like counting rocks, no cost involved..... holy crap you ppl are so stingy .... an then wine about it,,  

    You wanna send me a few sleeves of balls then? Since it's clearly not a big expense for you. 

    The 400cr volviks please. 

