Robert1893: Typically, but not always, I only give stuff to those outside of the US. I figure users in the US can earn free credits just as easily as I can.
I, too, focus on those who live in areas where the freebies are few and far between. That includes some areas of the US. I just happen to live in a zip code that has a retail mecca of sorts. Plenty of ads for me.
I do gift to many in the US who, due to work, etc. don't have the time to go credit diving. Almost all recipients are in the CC.
I run a weekly handicapped uneven lies tournament, purses for first and second. I keep a bank, so people can save up for some shiny new toy. When the call went out for Christmas pledges, almost everyone who had credits in the bank gave them up to help others. Now that's a win/win if I've ever seen one.