LMD01: pfft .... don't like like the odds .. get out of the kitchen ladies,,...... some ppl have the paitence to watch videos for a cpl of cents ,,, some just wanna play without the hassle ... don't like it.. create your own business an run it the way you think it should be run... whinge wine.. blah blah all the same really no one listens.. have fun the way you enjoy it, an leave the sulking out of it..
I think you're missing the larger point here. And that point is that some people are putting in the time and effort to complete something (for example, taking a survey) and not receiving the credit they were promised.
That's a legitimate complaint. And the reason it's a legitimate complaint is that the perception is that the people who conducted the survey got the information they wanted but didn't pay off.
By the way, as an aside, the surveys and videos are not available in all countries.
By the way, part 2, have you ever thought of switching to decaf? :-)