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Tue, Dec 20 2022 10:10 PM (89 replies)
  • Heath021
    378 Posts
    Wed, Jan 31 2018 2:26 PM

    I understand I haven't had to buy any credits lately because my game was spot on. So I guess its the end of the month and you need to hit monthly budget. So now all of a sudden its like I have never played this game and unable to consistently hit the ding. Balls flying everywhere but where they normally do. But, I understand people need to get paid. I guess the people up top are on payroll. Thanks for listening.

    I know there are others who feel my 

    Happy Hitting everyone and enjoy this fine game. 

    My name is Heath. I've been playing since 2009, have a wife and 2 kids one is getting ready to graduate High School. The sophmore is a wrestler and is on the High School golf team. I

    am a 5 handicap real golfer who shoots in low to high 30's and low 80's mostly. Played football for many years strive to be the best at anything I do. 

    Not sure why I gave my biography in this section of the forum but oh well. Just feel I need to justify my complaints of this frustrating game...that I usually play about 4 to 6 rounds a day. Thanks for listening!

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Wed, Jan 31 2018 3:45 PM

    Why don't you just wait until tomorrow to play? ;-) 

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Thu, Feb 1 2018 6:10 AM

    Heath, was there a second shooter?

  • Heath021
    378 Posts
    Thu, Feb 1 2018 1:56 PM

    I don't know Hack, maybe there was...always a smart ass in every bunch.

    Just like every other social media.  Other people always making smart ass remarks trying to make themselves feel better. Hence, the reason I stay away from social media. Hide behind computers or phones. Too cowardly to approach someone or talk to someone in real life. I have not time or energy to respond to that kind. I wish someday there will be a social gathering in real life to meet some of you cowards who persistently act like unproductive human beings...have nothing better to do than to have over 2000 post on a game forum.only laughable.  


  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Thu, Feb 1 2018 2:48 PM


    I don't know Hack, maybe there was...always a smart ass in every bunch.

    Just like every other social media.  Other people always making smart ass remarks trying to make themselves feel better. Hence, the reason I stay away from social media. Hide behind computers or phones. Too cowardly to approach someone or talk to someone in real life. I have not time or energy to respond to that kind. I wish someday there will be a social gathering in real life to meet some of you cowards who persistently act like unproductive human beings...have nothing better to do than to have over 2000 post on a game forum.only laughable.  


    I don't know you, but I have to say that I totally agree with what you say!!!!!! I do believe that many on here are ghosts for wgt, in that they are somehow are compensated for defending some of the garbage, that they do. Matters not, but I really respect the fact that they can have their own opinions, but not that  they will attack someone elses.  (Guess they need their 15 minutes of fame) or maybe their wife won't let them speak, so they get over exuberant on here, lol. Who knows. But I agree with you,on here,  it can be worse than an old ladies knitting circle.  

    501 Posts
    Thu, Feb 1 2018 3:16 PM


    I don't know Hack, maybe there was...always a smart ass in every bunch.

    Just like every other social media.  Other people always making smart ass remarks trying to make themselves feel better. Hence, the reason I stay away from social media. Hide behind computers or phones. Too cowardly to approach someone or talk to someone in real life. I have not time or energy to respond to that kind. I wish someday there will be a social gathering in real life to meet some of you cowards who persistently act like unproductive human beings...have nothing better to do than to have over 2000 post on a game forum.only laughable.  


    100% AGREE

    Im member of many forum, (racing cars, racing simulators, fly simulators, another Golf game, photography, graphic design)

    & this is the only forum where i found the the vast majority of users just enter to make useless comments and to make fun of others, unfortunately this is a plague in this forum

  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Thu, Feb 1 2018 3:32 PM
    I know there are others who feel my 
    I feel your pain Heath. I've been here nearly as long as you (2010). Some days things go right and some days they don't. I've just conceded that that's the way it is. Last month i played the Pinehurst RG 1 day and shot 66. Nothing i did worked out. I was hitting the ding but it felt like i had no control of the ball. Missing simple putts just by a fraction. The next day i played the same RG. I shot 56. A whole 10 shots better. It didn't feel like i played better. Dinging at my normal rate. But the putts just dropped. Even when i miss hit 1 from a jumpy meter. For all those haters on these forums, this is not a rant. This is me accepting the game for what it is. I still have a lot of fun playing. And sorry this is not in paragraphs but some days it works and some days it don't :-)
  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Thu, Feb 1 2018 5:18 PM

    Just like every other social media.  Other people always making smart ass remarks trying to make themselves feel better. Hence, the reason I stay away from social media. Hide behind computers or phones. Too cowardly to approach someone or talk to someone in real life. I have not time or energy to respond to that kind. I wish someday there will be a social gathering in real life to meet some of you cowards who persistently act like unproductive human beings...have nothing better to do than to have over 2000 post on a game forum.only laughable.  

    I don't know if you're referring to me or not. But just in case you were, I was just kidding you a bit. It was meant as good-natured fun. That's why I included a winkie face.

    And yes, what I posted is absolutely something that I would have said in person to you or anyone else. And the reason is that it was simply meant in jest. And I don't hide. Send me a friend request, and I'd be happy to tell you who I am in real life. Got nothing to hide here. 

    Regardless, I apologize if what I posted offended at all. That certainly wasn't my intent.

    Be well and hit em straight and seldom.  

  • seganti
    1,823 Posts
    Fri, Feb 2 2018 4:56 AM

    As for the Social I fully agree with Heats, 2 years ago I joined Facebook .. the next day I came out, but on the game I agree with Dazza501, some days go other nò, almost always me I realize I'm wrong, sometimes it's a mystery .. but I accept it as I find it a very relaxing pastime .. a greeting Max


    p.s:I apologize for any errors but not knowing English I use the google translator

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Fri, Feb 2 2018 5:11 AM


    I've just conceded that that's the way it is.

    I played a couple of back to back rounds yesterday, the first I hit 11 under on Best of Famous front 9. Granted it was short tees but that score was good whatever the conditions.  I didn't miss a single putt, everything dropped.

    Very next round was a club Premier League tie in tourney, best of par 5 holes.  I made eagle the first but after that it pretty much fell apart.  Approaches were way off, putts just missing, pretty much nothing quite worked the way I expected it to.

    But, I know from real life golf that that's the way it sometimes is.  A series of good (for my standard anyway) shots can be followed by a real howler.  Or several.

    It's all just fun at the end of the day.