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Mastering game used to take years

Sat, Mar 3 2018 12:03 AM (120 replies)
  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Mon, Feb 19 2018 6:39 AM

    This isn't a witch hunt - no naming names. I actually want to believe to the contrary. I hope this isn't true.

    More than any year in the past I've noticed an increased amount of players who started in 2016/2017 and are shooting to me unrealistic scores while achieving certain stats that takes years of experience and knowledge.

    Their stats resembling players who've been at this game for several years.

    You could argue to their side:

    1. The game is much easier than when we started. (2010 equipment irons, nikes)

    2. All the guides out there that give spot on numbers

    3. Closing down old accounts legitimately and opening new accounts (I heard this is possible)

    There is one cc in particular full of players who started a year to two years ago and thinking #3 is the case because I would think even wgt would see it and shut down accounts.

    When looking through stats and one thing that really stands out like a sore thumb is the putting. When you see less than or around a 1.3 putts per hole average and also the 5-10ft and 10-25ft% at 20% and 9% + mark. It seems highly unlikely you bring that down to this in 1 year. I saw one player at 1.21 average after 1 year. Getting solid stats takes knowing intricacies of putting which takes years to master. Other stats not nearly so much.

    This to me is unexplainable and can only mean one thing: it ain't their first rodeo.

    I want to believe this can be explained because it seems the integrity and legitness (if that's a word) of top level competitiveness is going down the drain.

    I'd like to hope/think the best in people and in a game where the history of integrity is unprecedented. But I just don't think that's the case here sadly



    In response to a yankee.

    I'm not refering to the red tee players who aren't relevant in the comps such as RGs, brackets, VT etc.

    I was refering to those who have just recently started in last year or so who have a lower amount of rounds (so you know it's not a facebook transfer) that have these crazy good putting stats and are doing well in comps


  • lonnieskinner
    1,677 Posts
    Mon, Feb 19 2018 9:36 AM

    I'm afraid you are dead on AB. This game has turned into a game of cheaters. As far integrity, there is very little left. Yes, some play the game right and it is easy to find us. I have been at this game for 7 years and still struggle with heavy wind and uel. Yes the putting is a dead give away. No one figures out putting in one year. I started off so badly at putting that my average is still 1.41. O well, there is really nothing we can do about them so I guess I will just continue putting along. 

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Mon, Feb 19 2018 10:05 AM

    As you said some of the players may be re starts but known to WGT . Others may also be cross over accounts from facebook . When they cross over their full profile doesnt transfer with them . So the acount will look like a new start but the numbers just dont add up . Then sad to say there are the in your face multis whose blatant actions just make the game seem totally pathetic

    . Sad to also say that yes we have all been going down this road for years and its evident that WGT could care less . Its all about the dollar and it makes them money all day long . Even when the players are caught and the accounts are closed down , they only return under a new one .

    Again more money for WGT through the purchase of new clubs and ball replacements . So its a never ending story with no solution in sight . All you can do is play have fun and enjoy the game as best you can .

  • siggipj76
    2,989 Posts
    Mon, Feb 19 2018 10:29 AM

    double post

  • siggipj76
    2,989 Posts
    Mon, Feb 19 2018 10:34 AM

    players banned last 18 months can now get to lvl 100 in weeks not years.

    before that it would hardly be worth it to start over again.

    was reading an old post about players banned in june 2016 , and see some very fine prodigy players that started 2 weeks after that,

    So there is no penalty to cheating now except that you have to buy new gear all over again .

    But those credits are easily won working your way back up.

  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Mon, Feb 19 2018 12:14 PM


    As you said some of the players may be re starts but known to WGT . Others may also be cross over accounts from facebook . When they cross over their full profile doesnt transfer with them . So the acount will look like a new start but the numbers just dont add up . Then sad to say there are the in your face multis whose blatant actions just make the game seem totally pathetic

    True, but you can pick those out pretty quick and I think we all know the top players where this happened. You will see that they have a enough games played to say that they were just a facebook transfer.

    The people I'm speaking about are those with relatively lower career earnings and rounds and then shoot to the top of every leaderboard and money list.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Feb 19 2018 1:05 PM

    The game is much easier than when we started. (2010 equipment irons, nikes)

    Red tees and equipment that was a dream in 2010 says enough. Imagine how you would have played then as a noob with the equipment you have today. GIRs and distance to pin would be off the charts and the putting would reflect that. IMO, the red tee availability in the CCs is what torqued everything out of shape.

  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Mon, Feb 19 2018 1:09 PM


    The game is much easier than when we started. (2010 equipment irons, nikes)

    Red tees and equipment that was a dream in 2010 says enough. Imagine how you would have played then as a noob with the equipment you have today. GIRs and distance to pin would be off the charts and the putting would reflect that. IMO, the red tee availability in the CCs is what torqued everything out of shape.

    I'm talking about the top players, non red tee champs. Those that are winning things. 

  • kensabre10
    3,133 Posts
    Mon, Feb 19 2018 1:27 PM

    not to mention the many many plants they have. plyers who realy are either dummy fake individuals or employees scoring automatically so real players cant win their bogus credits. just happened to me on a ready go! wgt and topgolf are totally bogus. only great cc's and the comeraderie is the reaso n to stay. dont waste you credits on the set up tourneys, they are designed for you to lose!~

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Feb 19 2018 2:03 PM

    not to mention the many many plants they have. plyers who realy are either dummy fake individuals or employees scoring automatically so real players cant win their bogus credits. just happened to me on a ready go

    Really now. And you know this how?