This isn't a witch hunt - no naming names. I actually want to believe to the contrary. I hope this isn't true.
More than any year in the past I've noticed an increased amount of players who started in 2016/2017 and are shooting to me unrealistic scores while achieving certain stats that takes years of experience and knowledge.
Their stats resembling players who've been at this game for several years.
You could argue to their side:
1. The game is much easier than when we started. (2010 equipment irons, nikes)
2. All the guides out there that give spot on numbers
3. Closing down old accounts legitimately and opening new accounts (I heard this is possible)
There is one cc in particular full of players who started a year to two years ago and thinking #3 is the case because I would think even wgt would see it and shut down accounts.
When looking through stats and one thing that really stands out like a sore thumb is the putting. When you see less than or around a 1.3 putts per hole average and also the 5-10ft and 10-25ft% at 20% and 9% + mark. It seems highly unlikely you bring that down to this in 1 year. I saw one player at 1.21 average after 1 year. Getting solid stats takes knowing intricacies of putting which takes years to master. Other stats not nearly so much.
This to me is unexplainable and can only mean one thing: it ain't their first rodeo.
I want to believe this can be explained because it seems the integrity and legitness (if that's a word) of top level competitiveness is going down the drain.
I'd like to hope/think the best in people and in a game where the history of integrity is unprecedented. But I just don't think that's the case here sadly
In response to a yankee.
I'm not refering to the red tee players who aren't relevant in the comps such as RGs, brackets, VT etc.
I was refering to those who have just recently started in last year or so who have a lower amount of rounds (so you know it's not a facebook transfer) that have these crazy good putting stats and are doing well in comps