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Unlikely scores

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Sat, Jun 25 2011 2:12 PM (50 replies)
  • Jedef
    63 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2011 12:15 PM

    Given that wgt is meant to be a realistic reflection of the real game and Rory Mclroy posted an average of 4 under per round = 67 for congressional for an all time record score, I find it distasteful and a crying shame that anybody would stoop to playing this amazing game any other way than free hand with all the human error that that entails. Yet for me the regular ridiculous low scores of many  speak for themselves and mathematicaly are impossible given the yardage needed . I use the top clubs and top balls and I am happy if I can emulate Rory now and again let alone better his score by 13. Assuming that at least 1 putt per hole is required =18   that leaves 41 shots / 18 =2.25 shots per hole to break 60. Now come on boys , no one can tell me or the many players I've discussed it with that this is a feasable  proposition even once , let alone on a regular basis .  

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2011 3:30 PM

    Discretion being the better part of valor, I have removed my original response.


    Play  on... nothing (from me) to be seen here.

  • Jedef
    63 Posts
    Wed, Jun 22 2011 2:41 AM

    The point is I have never played with anyone who has looked remotely like posting such a score , it seems that they are always made in solitary tournys.  If somebody would like to invite me for a game and show me how it is done then I would be delighted to accept the challenge. 

    and for Snaike who's post was removed because of a tasteless picture I presume (see below) .  I must protest.  I never said anybody was cheating, (guilty concience maybe ?) Just playing the game other than I have understood it should be played.   

    I think that until all tournys are played as multi player games with a random partner(s) as in the real world then  these scores will always be regarded suspiciously. Come on WGT how about it ? That would really put it to bed once and for all.


    Re: Unlikely scores

    By Snaike in And Everything Else


    /sigh .... 

    Another "If I can't do it, they must be cheating" thread..

  • Soulcatcher
    1,970 Posts
    Wed, Jun 22 2011 10:26 AM


    Given that wgt is meant to be a realistic reflection of the real game and Rory Mclroy posted an average of 4 under per round = 67 for congressional for an all time record score, I find it distasteful and a crying shame that anybody would stoop to playing this amazing game any other way than free hand with all the human error that that entails. Yet for me the regular ridiculous low scores of many  speak for themselves and mathematicaly are impossible given the yardage needed . I use the top clubs and top balls and I am happy if I can emulate Rory now and again let alone better his score by 13. Assuming that at least 1 putt per hole is required =18   that leaves 41 shots / 18 =2.25 shots per hole to break 60. Now come on boys , no one can tell me or the many players I've discussed it with that this is a feasable  proposition even once , let alone on a regular basis .  



    "I can't do it so everyone worse than me is cheating."


  • tiffer67
    1,764 Posts
    Wed, Jun 22 2011 10:54 AM


    Now come on boys , no one can tell me or the many players I've discussed it with that this is a feasable  proposition even once , let alone on a regular basis .  

    I used to think the same way, then I did it myself. Now I do it regularly. It's taken nearly two years of solid, everyday play to get there. Nearly 5,000 ranked rounds. Close to 1,000 matchplay games, 900 blitz games, countless practice 9s. Do you see where I'm heading?


  • Soulcatcher
    1,970 Posts
    Wed, Jun 22 2011 11:17 AM

    You say this   

     I never said anybody was cheating, (guilty concience maybe ?)


    ..but in your first post you say this

    Now come on boys , no one can tell me or the many players I've discussed it with that this is a feasable  proposition even once , let alone on a regular basis . 


    What did you mean then?

  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Wed, Jun 22 2011 11:51 AM

    Maybe, just maybe you are not good enough to post those scores.

    Just cause you have the tools, doesn't me you automatically get those scores.  You have to earn them.   1000's of games, 1000's of hours.   

    Just look at some of the very top players and their stats compared to yours.  Its startling what you will see.  More so look at avg. distance to pin, and avg. putts.    Then if it tickles your fancy look at their sand saves and scrambling.    

    Just cause you worked your way to legend, doesn't mean you get to post sub 60 rounds.  You earn them, and until you realize that.  Good luck!



  • Jedef
    63 Posts
    Wed, Jun 22 2011 11:53 AM

    I presume you meant 'better than me'  but you miss the point of course (intentionally ?).        In any event  I don't wish to enter into this pointless jibing.  My personal skill at the game is irrelevant to the debate. I was merely pointing out that most players have never seen it done and therefore are sceptical, a natural reaction I would have thought  given the fact that you have to drive and mostly you have to putt , a total of 36 shots before you negotiate the 'bits' in between. I also would have thought that the superstars who post these scores would welcome the chance  to prove that the scores are genuine  and to bask in the limelight,  I'd be the first to congratulate them I assure you . Also I have seen  the tiresome  replies above  in many posts on the subject and it makes me even more sceptical that no one wants to enter into a constructive disscusion or attempt to question the logic or, I might  add , invite me for a demonstration.  I'd be facinated to watch a genius at work  and would also be delighted to hold my hands up should the suspicions prove to be groundles. 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Jun 22 2011 12:01 PM

    I don't think the OP was playing the "c" card , just making a valid point. If this game is so real why are the scores like they are? Well, it's a game and there are gamers . In order for the game to emulate real scores it would have to be so stupid hard that 90% of the people wouldn't be here. 

    While the scores might not be real the diversity of the field certainly is and the spread of the scores does match the real ones.  Rory won by 13. Somebody's going to win this by 24, give or take. Add 11 strokes to everybody and compare it then.  :-)


  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Wed, Jun 22 2011 1:27 PM

    While the scores might not be real the diversity of the field certainly is and the spread of the scores does match the real ones.  Rory won by 13. Somebody's going to win this by 24, give or take. Add 11 strokes to everybody and compare it then.  :-)


    The leaderboard has many bunched up, I'd be surprised if there was more than a 5 shot difference between the top 10.


    To the OP:


    How would playing Multi Player show/do anything, other than make a real long round?