WillieSinkit:lol - I suspected that !
So, he's in a situation in which he could use some help and asked. And he didn't "beg."
Duwayne is a very nice person. Your barbs are better directed at someone else.
Really? I can debunk that in 4 words, Look at his clubs. Unless they were all gifted to him he has spent close to 20000 credits buying some of the top clubs in the game. That doesn't sound like someone who needs help.. It sounds like someone who is playing us!
And he can't be any worse off than me, I am almost 72 years old and had to go back to work just to be able to pay my bills. I only get what I got here by taking surveys and watching videos. But with the surveys and videos I have made enough to buy the top clubs, keep myself in balls and gift people clubs during the 12 days of Christmas and Christmas in July.
And don't give that I cant because I don't llive in the U.S.A. because with the mobile app you can watch the 2 credits videos and make enough to at least buy balls.