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lost balls

Fri, Apr 6 2018 10:37 PM (51 replies)
  • craigswan
    32,342 Posts
    Fri, Mar 30 2018 11:49 AM

    I'm a bit of an entrepeneur in  real life .

    I have been working on an invention that could revolutionalise the game .

    Could you all take a look and give me your honest opinions .

    I am hoping to roll out production just before the british open starts .


    “ the club is attached to the players head with the use of a headband. Thus, the players must bend over the ball, place their hands on their knees and swing the club by turning their head from side to side. The club has an adjustable length shaft that telescopes in and out to accomodate players of varying heights.”.





    This will cure the yips .

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Fri, Mar 30 2018 12:08 PM


     but that he has retired to Mexico doesn't mean that he has more income than I have being retired in the States.

    LOL, why would this even be a big deal?

    People do this all the time, some see it as a scam, some don't and gift because "they choose to"....

    I too have a opinion, but it isn't important!

    I will say this! If you even managed to save a few hundred thousand US dollars for retirement in your lifetime, you can live "very well" in Mexico...I'm talking a big home with a wall on a nice size piece of property with a pool and servants, near the ocean if you choose, of course there are MANY downsides to it also LOL


  • craigswan
    32,342 Posts
    Fri, Mar 30 2018 12:26 PM

    "Only rich people should be allowed to play golf,"


    To overtly deny a human being the right to play 18 holes would certainly create a sentiment of revolt .

    On the other hand,

    to minimize the negative financial impact of poor people  thus raising the morale of these baser types who enjoy the more primitive pleasures is an option .

    The trick is not to allow them to reproduce. Experiments in the sterilization of certain populations of non-golfers have been attempted over the course of the 20th and 21st centuries with varying success. 

    It is not unreasonable  to dispose of these non golfers  in an "environmentally friendly way" to lower our "carbon footprint," 

    There are two interrelated problems: food rations and the longevity of the non golfer .

    Both pose serious financial problems for the companies who are attempting to maximize their profits and build their "bottom lines.

    " For this, a return to our collective roots in Europe from which all  real golfers hail, is necessary to find the solution. Specifically, we must turn to Scotland . 


  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Fri, Mar 30 2018 1:31 PM


    I will say this! If you even managed to save a few hundred thousand US dollars for retirement in your lifetime, you can live "very well" in Mexico...I'm talking a big home with a wall on a nice size piece of property with a pool and servants, near the ocean if you choose, of course there are MANY downsides to it also LOL


    Retiring abroad (someday) has intrigued me, but Mexico has never, EVER made my short list of countries I'd like to retire to.  Fear of dying to a cartel, I suppose.

  • Romax
    1,876 Posts
    Fri, Mar 30 2018 1:59 PM

    I read this thread a couple of days ago and I'm pretty sure I said WTF ? out loud. That is ..who would give a rats azz if someone feels the urge to gift balls or clubs or anything else ? It's their decision to show some kindness and generosity and they do not need to justify that generosity to anyone. If giving a friend or even a stranger a gift floats your boat....go for it ! There is no need to explain anything to anyone.

  • rdodge
    96 Posts
    Fri, Mar 30 2018 5:20 PM


    I read this thread a couple of days ago and I'm pretty sure I said WTF ? out loud. That is ..who would give a rats azz if someone feels the urge to gift balls or clubs or anything else ? It's their decision to show some kindness and generosity and they do not need to justify that generosity to anyone. If giving a friend or even a stranger a gift floats your boat....go for it ! There is no need to explain anything to anyone.

    gifting isn't the topic i commented about , its the same player month after month with some story to get balls ...... basically a scammer

  • WillieSinkit
    1,761 Posts
    Sat, Mar 31 2018 1:23 AM


    gifting isn't the topic i commented about , its the same player month after month with some story to get balls






  • craigswan
    32,342 Posts
    Sat, Mar 31 2018 3:23 AM

    I feel a lot of sessions with my sports shrink coming on.

    I have uncovered the disheartening fact that yelling at your golf ball during flight has absolutely no effect on how it behaves.

    "Most times I'll tell it to 'be right' or 'don't go in the sand trap' and it completely obeys me.

     "I've taken my new balls out to dinner and the movies the night before a big tournament, pleading with it to do what I want. And most of the time it just goes where ever it feels like. I'll yell 'please don't go in the trees' and it will bounce right in the lumber yard anyway. I'll scream, 'don't go in the water,  And it does, no matter how fancy the restaurant I take it to."

    "I suppose my lucky underwear isn't doing sh it for me either, right? What's next...


  • DuwayneCook
    53 Posts
    Sat, Mar 31 2018 4:40 AM

    Willie If I've offended you in any way I'm very sorry, I didn't intend to offend any one, 

    I'm not a scammer Willie, But must admit to being a complainer, I *** and moan about the most stupid things, and to *** and moan about this game is just that stupid, 

    But if you think I'm a scammer then perhaps others will think the same, It's for this reason I'll keep my bitching and moaning out of the forum, it is not the place to post my complaints.

    The problem with growing old is that you've got to much time to complain about some of the most unimportant things, when you take a look at whats going on in the World today you realize that this game is not really that important.

    Very best to you Willie.  Duwayne

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Sat, Mar 31 2018 12:44 PM
    Ahem....10,002 made it......
    Now what?