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Lip outs have become ridiculous

Sun, Jul 14 2019 8:26 AM (55 replies)
  • rlowvaughn
    7 Posts
    Sun, Apr 1 2018 5:21 PM

    The number of lip-outs has become absurd the past few months. I think it's pretty obvious that WGT has forgone ethics and simply made it so fewer close putts go in. It's a huge money maker and WGT has made it clear they care more about profits than they do about creating a realistic golf game. I probably average 5 lip-outs per round now, and 99% lip-out to a 1% lip in ratio. 

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Sun, Apr 1 2018 7:42 PM

    I get a lot of lip outs also. I was told that I hit the ball to hard, which I do.

    Sometimes I got to just aim wider and softer.

    I had 1 round a couple weeks ago that I had 5 lip outs.

    Gave it up for the day

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Apr 1 2018 8:13 PM

    The number of lip-outs has become absurd the past few months

    You are the perfect test case for verifying something commonly known to most-green speeds change. Because you play just one course-the easiest one-you expect every putt to be the same. Newsflash, they're not. They change ever so slightly on an irregular basis and it's up to you to realize that and adjust. Obviously you're not doing that. Now that you know you should be able to fix your problem.

    I use myself as an example just today. I missed almost every putt in 3 AS games by not hitting hard enough. The greens have slowed down slightly and I kept trying to stick with the way they've been most of the week. My misses were all on the correct line but died at the end and curled away from the cup. I did that at least 5 times. My bad, I didn't adjust. WGT ethics remain intact, the game was just replicating RL.  :-)

  • rlowvaughn
    7 Posts
    Sun, Apr 1 2018 8:46 PM

    You're wrong sir. 

  • Olduffer
    153 Posts
    Sun, Apr 1 2018 9:57 PM


    The number of lip-outs has become absurd the past few months. I think it's pretty obvious that WGT has forgone ethics and simply made it so fewer close putts go in. It's a huge money maker and WGT has made it clear they care more about profits than they do about creating a realistic golf game. I probably average 5 lip-outs per round now, and 99% lip-out to a 1% lip in ratio. 

    You need to watch the PGA tour and see how many pros lip out weekly.Some players several times in one round. It doesn't get any more realistic than that. You evidently don't play IRL.

  • gherkinhead1
    249 Posts
    Mon, Apr 2 2018 1:09 AM

    I love lip outs.

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Mon, Apr 2 2018 5:43 PM

    The game is constant adjustments on the green. Usually you figure it out on the first hole or two.

    It could be slower or faster than usual, breaks can be sharper or not breaking normal.

    We adjust and YankeeJim is correct

  • sky0diver
    119 Posts
    Mon, Apr 2 2018 9:08 PM

    although I generally would disagree that the lip outs have become any worse as there would be no logic to it,- I would however wonder where you get the idea from that WGT makes money off your lip-outs ,considering putts are not even counted against your number of hits on a ball? Seems odd to me ...

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2018 5:25 AM


    You're wrong sir. 


    Prove it.

  • craigswan
    32,353 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2018 5:59 AM

    How do I stop golf putts from lipping out?.

    There are two things that I can recommend that will help.

    The first one is to adjust your speed control. Rather than the ball being struck hard enough to hit the back of the hole with authority, work on “dying” the ball at the hole. This means hitting the ball just hard enough so it barely topples over the front edge of the cup. This will eliminate those power lip-outs.

    The other suggestion is to make sure your putts approach the hole from the “high side”.

    When faced with a breaking putt, make sure to err slightly on the side of the hole that the putt is breaking from. If you catch the edge of the “low side” of the hole, the putt will very rarely drop. But from the high side (some call it the “pro side”) if you catch the edge the putt can lip in instead of lip out.