rlowvaughn:The number of lip-outs has become absurd the past few months
You are the perfect test case for verifying something commonly known to most-green speeds change. Because you play just one course-the easiest one-you expect every putt to be the same. Newsflash, they're not. They change ever so slightly on an irregular basis and it's up to you to realize that and adjust. Obviously you're not doing that. Now that you know you should be able to fix your problem.
I use myself as an example just today. I missed almost every putt in 3 AS games by not hitting hard enough. The greens have slowed down slightly and I kept trying to stick with the way they've been most of the week. My misses were all on the correct line but died at the end and curled away from the cup. I did that at least 5 times. My bad, I didn't adjust. WGT ethics remain intact, the game was just replicating RL. :-)