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Lip outs have become ridiculous

Sun, Jul 14 2019 8:26 AM (55 replies)
  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Jun 3 2018 2:22 AM
    Well I had 5 lipouts in 18 holes today......5 of the buggers.

    Sadly, each one was my doing....hit too hard on the wrong line.......but I will blame the dog, the cat. the missus......and WGT.....cause it could not possibly be my fault right?

  • terryntx
    56 Posts
    Sun, Jun 3 2018 4:33 AM

    no that guy is telling it how it is,, im so tired of people blaming wgt every time they hit a bad shot theres no conspiracy theory here people, i had no idea there were that many idiots running around, too truly think these craszy thoughts, al;ot of you just arent as good asv you think you are and try playing the harder courses because al;ot of you will have much higher scores...........

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Sun, Jun 3 2018 5:39 AM

    Well I had 5 lipouts in 18 holes today......5 of the buggers.

    Sadly, each one was my doing....hit too hard on the wrong line.......but I will blame the dog, the cat. the missus......and WGT.....cause it could not possibly be my fault right?

    I have had a lot of them, during and after the clash. I hit the putt to hard to take the break out of it. 

    So it's my doing in this case. 


  • TopShelf2010
    10,975 Posts
    Sun, Jun 3 2018 5:54 AM


  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Sun, Jun 3 2018 6:26 AM

    However, what I still find strange to this day is that there are days when nearly every putt will fall and then there are others when I struggle to make a single one. LOL

    Just like real golf. Some days I'll hit a tough swooping putt and others, I can't hit a 5' putt

  • Schlieffen99
    225 Posts
    Fri, Jul 12 2019 12:11 PM


    The number of lip-outs has become absurd the past few months

    You are the perfect test case for verifying something commonly known to most-green speeds change. Because you play just one course-the easiest one-you expect every putt to be the same. Newsflash, they're not. They change ever so slightly on an irregular basis and it's up to you to realize that and adjust. Obviously you're not doing that. Now that you know you should be able to fix your problem.

    I use myself as an example just today. I missed almost every putt in 3 AS games by not hitting hard enough. The greens have slowed down slightly and I kept trying to stick with the way they've been most of the week. My misses were all on the correct line but died at the end and curled away from the cup. I did that at least 5 times. My bad, I didn't adjust. WGT ethics remain intact, the game was just replicating RL.  :-)

    Rubbish, the lip outs regardless what you have said are far more predominant over the last few months. Been here over 6 years to notice this. Whether nor not it's a WGT ploy, it's just infuriating nonetheless...

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Jul 12 2019 1:00 PM

    Rubbish, the lip outs regardless what you have said are far more predominant over the last few months

    Why haven't I seen this? Am I special or something? I play every day and nothing's changed for me. The cycle still runs its course.  Some days you own the game, other days you rant about how messed up it is.  :-)

  • craigswan
    32,342 Posts
    Fri, Jul 12 2019 1:12 PM
    Golf Fuckyou GIF - Golf Fuckyou GIFs
  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Fri, Jul 12 2019 2:42 PM

    Wgt does have the ability to change the parameters of a putt, in other words "how perfect putts have to be struck to fall in the hole", but you don't see it very often except when the hole gets smaller, then you hear from everyone who is "Mute" when every f'n putt is dropping in LMAO!

    If they would leave it on the tough end probably 1/3 of these people would be gone, or in the "WGT" is rigged thread, so that won't be happening anytime soon!

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Jul 12 2019 4:09 PM

    Wgt does have the ability to change the parameters of a putt, in other words "how perfect putts have to be struck to fall in the hole"

    I totally agree and have thought this way for a very long time. I don't think it's some nefarious type sitting behind a curtain, I just believe that's how VEM works. The ability for it to adapt to what you're doing is too easy. It's the conclusion I've come to after countless rounds that start out like a house afire and peter off by the turn.

    And I know everybody's been there.  LOL  ;-)