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Lip outs have become ridiculous

Sun, Jul 14 2019 8:26 AM (55 replies)
  • borntobesting
    9,777 Posts
    Fri, May 4 2018 7:11 AM

    I’ve had a few that didn’t actually lip out but just roll right over the hole like there was no hole there. The ball didn’t change direction like on s normal lip out. 

  • SeveFrost
    1,615 Posts
    Fri, May 4 2018 8:27 AM

    i play the mobile game and though i do get a few lip outs, most are down to me and hitting the putt too hard


    more frustrating, and it may only affect the mobile game, but on certain greens you'll hit dead spots where you've hit the putt the exact speed/strength needed but it will dramatically stop dead after a few feet for no apparent reason. that can really be a round killer if going well

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Fri, May 4 2018 9:16 AM


    I’ve had a few that didn’t actually lip out but just roll right over the hole like there was no hole there. The ball didn’t change direction like on s normal lip out. 

    I had the same thing on two holes. Went right over the hole, about 10 lip outs and several were the 50 foot variety.

    Frustrating to say the least. 


  • Cameron122010
    24 Posts
    Fri, May 4 2018 4:34 PM

    i watch a lot of the top players streams. They don't seem to have any lip outs at all. Im guessing the number of lip outs is directly related to how good you are. Get better at putting and Im sure your lip out ratio will decrease. 

  • ScottyAKing
    176 Posts
    Fri, May 4 2018 6:43 PM

    Back when I was playing for real, I was an expert at missing on the amateur side!

    These days on here, I'm happy to get remotely near the hole....oh to be lipping out!

    I have noticed a tweak in speed lately, but I seem to be pulling up short more than carrying too much speed.  That said, most of the missed putts I have are of my own doing.

  • pmm711
    5,805 Posts
    Sat, May 5 2018 7:53 PM


    ...most of the missed putts I have are of my own doing.


    Plus...make a negative comment in the main forum here and I think they red flag your account and make you lip out more. ;-/

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, May 5 2018 10:04 PM
    Plus...make a negative comment in the main forum here and I think they red flag your account and make you lip out more. ;-/
    LMAO....I love conspiracies.....tell me more!

    To the real golf....line and speed

    Yes we all have lipouts and venting is good......and I have days where I have a lot....others none.....I guess some days, I pick the line and correct speed better.

  • V01D
    11 Posts
    Sat, May 5 2018 10:23 PM

    why wgt make meter speed up and skip past ding on putts?

    i have 5 slow putter can't ding because meter gets close then skips past line before press happen non stop now meter stats 80% right

  • K7JBQ
    1,469 Posts
    Sun, May 6 2018 12:24 PM

    That's not a WGT issue. WGT has no control over the meter; that's a function of your computer and your browser.

    First thing to try is taking a couple of "practice swings" (letting the meter run all the way out without clicking). That often clears up a meter issue.

    If that doesn't help, try another browser. Maxthon is a popular choice among top players here.

  • Romax
    1,876 Posts
    Sun, May 6 2018 3:56 PM


    although I generally would disagree that the lip outs have become any worse as there would be no logic to it,- I would however wonder where you get the idea from that WGT makes money off your lip-outs ,considering putts are not even counted against your number of hits on a ball? Seems odd to me ...

    The way they make money on lip outs is to hand you one for the Eagle putt...and another for the birdie and just to make sure... 1 more for the par. Fkmeee....restart...Are you sure? Yes I'm sure...restart the fkn game right now..  Lol. All previous ball hits are down the tubes and  caching$$  cash is born.